I’m not even BUSY…

I really don’t know why I went a whole week without updating.
Maybe cause there’s not much to report.

Did I ever mention I went out to lunch with Pat Rothfuss a while ago?  I don’t remember what day it was, but I had e-mailed him asking him a question about writing settings that are imaginary places and such.  He e-mailed me back and said he was teaching a guest lecture on it that afternoon and told me to come – about 10 minutes before the lecture started and I got the e-mail about 15 minutes later because I was in the shower.  I hauled butt over there and managed to sneak in partially unnoticed.  After the lecture was over we talked and he took me out to lunch so we could keep talking.  Not that we talked about writing very long haha.  We ended up on psycho families and him having children and stuff like that.

I’m still having a hard time realizing that my new favorite author lives like… a few blocks away from me, and is completely willing to sit and talk with me about anything and everything.  I just wanna go around and brag to people.  The only person I can think of that would be jealous would be Eric, and possibly Sandy.  It was funny cause he had been talking about how he wanted to have his college-student friends just come over whenever (sorta like we do at Laudani’s house), but he didn’t wanna be that creepy guy who is only friend with people who are way younger than him.  He also told me he works at the Afterdark Coffee House every Tuesday night starting at like 10, and told me to come hang out there sometime with him.  Only I usually work overnights on Tuesdays.  But who cares, Pat Rothfuss isn’t creeped out by me!!!!

I’ve been spending as much time with Nathan lately, cause I’m still super clingy.  There’s some girl who has a crush on him too, so that’s not helping me stop clinging.  She sorta spends a lot of time over there, and Cory and Shane both have crushes on her, making things even more awkward.  She’s not that bad, but you know… she likes my Nathan, so she’ll never be my favorite person.
I just got Erin, my next door neighbor, to buy the Reel Big Fish CD XD

I need another book to read for fun before I die.  I finished An Abundance of Katherines and Stardust and I really don’t have any others (other than Series of Unfortunate Events) with me at school.  So, naturally, I wanna go spend my money on more.  Any strong suggestions?

I think I’m gonna clean off my desk.  I really really need to.


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April 17, 2008

nice. *about the desk and pat, not the nate part*

April 19, 2008

nah, it looks fine! books? i know plenty of books you should read. Wuthering Heights, those books i gave you (twilight/new moon/and the new on eclipse), a series that is called “Colors” and it starts with Blue is For Nightmares, by Laura faria Stolarz. and theres another series but i cant find my books right now and therefore since i woke up 10 minutes ago, cant remember the name of it >.< ~

April 20, 2008

I’m jealous. I wish MY favorite author would want to chill with me. …although I’d have to CHOOSE a favorite first =x Clean off your desk woman!! <3 you. <3