Alright, Shit, Can We Try This Again?

 This is a total whim.  I’ll say that straight away.  The fact that it’s been nearly a full six months since I last wrote should say how much I’m (totally not) committed to this medium anymore.  And probably not nearly as much as I should be.  I do still love the idea of it.  The commitment and effort is just hard to do.  I have a wife and a six month old.  That’s more than enough commitment and effort for me, right?  

So yeah, there’s that.  I very vaguely alluded to it in the last entry (which, since it was a theme entry, I guess I didn’t want to fuck up the flow of it….good job, ass-tard), but my wife and I have a little baby boy now.  He was born December 28.  And lord knows my wife was just awesome in allowing me to name our son after a comic book character.  How else would we end up with a Conner Kent?  Fatherhood has been the best thing in the world.  I know I’m cheesy and funny about it, because I’m one of those "proud of every damn little thing he does" kind of dads.  And by jove, Conner’s first word is gonna be "daddy," or some variation thereof.  He gets close now, being awake in his crib and calling out "DA DA DA DA!!!"  Just a matter of time.  I was trying to steer him towards "mama," because my wife truly deserves that, but I’m secretly thrilled.  What can I say?  I’m still a dick after all this time.

Now Playing on Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Spontaneous Me" by Lindsey Stirling, "I Just Had Sex" by The Lonely Island, and "Control" by The Vincent Black Shadow (and I haven’t heard that song in a very long time….time to remedy that).

I recently made the conscious decision to give up collecting new comic books.  The DC Reboot just fucking killed it for me.  I gave them 8 months to give me a reason to care about any of the characters again, and they couldn’t fucking do it.  That’s just pitiful.  So I have bid them adieu, and they’ll have to do without my nearly $100 per month.  Yeah….probably good I gave that up.  And it’s funny, because it kinda leaves me without a real vice anymore.  I don’t buy a lot of CDs, I buy practically no movies, I buy only a few video games (generally speaking…..I’ve splurged on quite a few recently thanks to buying my 4th different Nintendo DS….don’t ask).  

The other reason it’s a good thing is because Heather and I are losing our jobs in about two weeks.  Well, unless they finally decide they want to actually interview me for one of the 5 positions I’ve applied for.  Our jobs are being "centralized" to Atlanta, GA, Plymouth, MI, and Chicago, IL.  We could’ve applied to keep them and relocate, but fuck that.  We have a freakin’ infant, and our entire familial support structure is within a 3 hour radius of us now.  The whole situation just blows.  At least we’re getting severance packages….but still.  Sucks like a black hole.

And, shit.  I was gonna write more, but Conner is awake now.  Perhaps another game, another time.


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June 15, 2012

Not that I want to encourage you to spend more money on non-necessities when you have a new baby (and goodness knows they can be money-pits! lol), but if you do have it to spare (and even if not-library!), maybe think about comics outside DC? There are tons of fabulous comics out there that aren’t DC, or are the DC offshoots (like Vertigo tends to have good titles)… Just food for thought!

June 15, 2012

Also, congrats on parenthood! 🙂