Marriages Great and Small

It’s kind of sad (almost) how it takes a large event to bring me back here to write anymore, but I guess that’s the relationship my diary and I have now.  But, I guess after 9.5 years, I should be glad we have any kind of relationship at all.  Especially given that I damn near lost the whole thing.  Apparently in the last set of issues this site had, my diary vanished from the face of the earth.  Luckily, through some thoroughly melodramatic appealing by me, but mostly some hard work by the staff of this site, my diary was restored completely intact.  For that, OD site workers (The Diary Master and all others), I am eternally grateful beyond words.  Like I mentioned a second ago…..9.5 years.  That’s a long goddamn time, and a lot of goddamn memories.  I would’ve been just absolutely crushed if it had been lost forever.  This diary and I, we have a marriage of convenience, as it were.

That said, back to where I was going before that tangent.  Big events.  Yeah, I know…  Despite that near catastrophe, it isn’t the big event I was alluding to.  No, the big event was one of the biggest you can have…


Yep, you read that correctly.  On October 31st, 2010, I got married to my girlfriend of 3 years, Heather.  The whole thing came off so wonderfully, really.  Heather did most of the heavy planning and work for it.  I just provided the few things she asked me to contribute.  It was done at the Hancock House in Gallatin, which is an old carriage house from the 1840’s that’s been converted to a bed-and-breakfast.  The lady that runs the place is absolutely insane, but she can damn sure work to make sure stuff comes together just like you want it to.  We got really lucky in a lot of ways, too.  We got what would normally be a $600-$1000 cake for $100 because a friend made it for us.  We got $2500 worth of wedding picture stuff for $1200 because a friend did it for us.  We didn’t pay a dime for our wedding officiant because he was a friend.  Ridiculous, right?  And absolutely, 100% the best part was having EVERYONE there.  Both sides of my family, most of Heather’s mom’s side of her family, all our good friends from work….it was amazing.  For me, the best part was getting to see my mom’s family and dad’s family interacting happily with each other.  God, that’s always so surreal, but so fucking great.  Sharing cigars with my dad, my stepdad, my best friend, my older brother, and my new brother in law was just fucking stellar.  The money shot of the whole thing for most people, especially the people from work, was a picture of me with a cigar in one hand, and a beer in the other.  None of them have really ever known me to drink much and I just don’t smoke.  So there’s quite a few of those floating around.  The only thing missing from it all was Will’s wife Monica.  I desperately wanted her to be there because they were so gracious as to allow me to be the only true spectator to their wedding, but work situations got in the way.  That whole day was probably the best I’ve ever had.  Just last night, my dad was saying he’d never seen me smile so much in my entire life as I did that day.  And I’m sure he’s right on about that.  I’m lucky, really.  To have such amazing friends and family members, and to have snagged a beautiful wife that’s totally out of my league.  Yeah….definitely lucky.

Also, I got so drunk that night, that I spent the next morning puking my guts out.  Totally worth it, though.  Drunken Rock Band?  Fun as shit.  I even sang in front of people, which just flat out never happens.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Butter on My Roll" by The Gregory Brothers, "Downfall" by TRUSTcompany, and "Jillian (I’d Give My Heart)" by Within Temptation

Now on to some other, far less important things…

Heather and I have been watching Boardwalk Empire on HBO every Sunday.  Despite the fact that we’re constantly disappointed with it, we continue to watch it.  After the first 3 or 4 episodes, we just made the decision to stick with it through the end of the season.  Everything about the show screams that it should be awesome…….but it’s not.  I would go so far as to call it bad, either.  It’s just….boring.  Yeah, that’s the best word for it.  It’s just boring.  Heather and I debated this point in reference to The Walking Dead on AMC (which I watch, and love, but she doesn’t because zombies scare her because, and I quote, "that shit could really happen").  Boardwalk Empire is slow, while The Walking Dead is deliberate.  The difference?  Slow is boring, while deliberate is slow but interesting.  TWD has action.  Things happen.  BE seems to have certain, small action beats planned for each episode, and feels like it should be building toward something….but it feels like nothing much has happened.  I dunno.  Neither of us cares for it.

Well, there was more ranting in me….more stuff I was gonna talk about, but I just got off the phone from talking to Will for over an hour, and it kinda sapped all the momentum right out of my ranting brain.  So I guess that brings this entry to an abbreviated end.  Until next time (whenever the FUCK that is…)


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November 27, 2010

Congrats on getting married!