Wii Are Not Alone

Time for my monthly dumping festival.  There is much to discuss here.  I only hope I have the patience to get through it all.  We shall see as we proceed, c’est vrai?

Anywho….  To get down to it…

Sadly, I’m not even sure where to start.  I guess preparing to move is as good a place as any.  A week from tomorrow (that’s Friday to the rest of you), I will be going to sign a 12 month lease at the new apartment.  Which reminds me, I need to figure out what shift Shera is working that day to see if she can come with.  Anyway.  The actual beginning of moving in will come on July 3rd.  Actually, it’ll probably start before that, but that’s the one day I’ll get to have help from my dad to move all the bigger shit….of which there won’t be a whole lot (bed, dresser, desk, entertainment center, TV, floor lamp, desk chair, rocking chair…see?  not much).  Probably can make all that vanish in a single trip.  I have no idea what Shera’s plans are for when she wants to get herself moved in.  We aren’t really talking about that too much right now.  She has much, much larger things going on…

In what is not at all a shocking thing to me, she found out Clint had cheated on her.  It isn’t video or photo proof, but it’s as close as you can get otherwise.  All but irrefutable (though he’s kept trying to refute it).  I’m not getting into specifics here, but let’s just say he was utterly busted.  So she broke up with him on the spot.  That was a little over a week ago.  Since then, I’ve seen her twice, but barely spoken to her otherwise.  She’s been taking it really, really hard, which is also not at all shocking.  Most of her time outside of work since all this went down has been spent running away from the issue by getting high.  So she doesn’t talk to me because she knows what I’ll say.  I’ve been…shall we say….reserved about it, though.  What point is there in me yelling and screaming about it?  Once she moves, it will not continue to happen, so, y’know….I feel it’s all just temporary.  Worst part is, she’s said repeatedly that she just wants to take him back.  Which, to me, is just unconscionable.  But, then again, we’ve seen this all before.  In fact, this is almost a carbon copy of what went down with Augie (though I was thoroughly thrashed for pointing this out as she tried in vain to make me believe the two situations are nothing alike).  I fully expect that she’ll take him back, and it will shortly break back down again because he won’t come see her in Gallatin….or whatever reason.  And then she’ll end up looking for another who isn’t worthy of her and will treat her the same as all the others I’ve seen.  Meanwhile, I’ll just continue to always be there for her every step of the way, doing anything and everything I can to help her and support her.  And be taken for granted for it.  Not that I’m complaining or anything.  Just wanted to point that out, y’know?

My real problem here is that anything I want for myself has become completely and utterly secondary to what I want for her.  Her happiness (no matter how it comes about, be it because she’s with me or with someone else) has become the most important thing to me.  The wants I have for myself and my own happiness are completely subservient to that.  And yes, I know….that makes me a sad little man.  I don’t fucking care, ok?  The sight of a smile on her face makes it all worth while to me.  So I always support her if she’s doing something to make herself happy…even if I think it’s a horrible decision (like the one she’ll inevitably make to try and take Clint back).  I don’t have to agree with her to support her.  And she knows I’ll always be there.  That’s important to me…that she know that.  I dunno why.  It just is.


Moving to myself here…  Recently, I’ve managed to get someone to admit they have a crush on me.  There’s this chick at work named Kenya who has repeatedly told me she’s attracted to me, given me her phone number, and has even told me she’d be thrilled to date me…………if she wasn’t already married with three kids.  Such is my luck, right?  These are the things that happen to me.  Incredibly hot chick is attracted to me?  Oh, look at that, she’s married and has children.  She’s been trying to help me out with this whole scenario with Shera, too.  Giving me advice and such.  Mostly, she’s making it her mission to try and make me more self-confident because she thinks that’s pretty much all I’m lacking.  Maybe she’s right.  Who knows.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "GhostFlowers" by Otep, "Forget It" by Breaking Benjamin, "Fuck the Pain Away" by Peaches, and "Breathe Into Me" by Red

A long quest came to and end for me on Tuesday afternoon, as I finally found (and purchased) a Nintendo Wii, thus bringing my list of currently owned video game consoles to eleven (Wii, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, Dreamcast, Genesis, SNES, NES, DS, Nintendo 64).  To date, I own no games besides the free thrown in, Wii Sports, but that’s been enough.  I’ve been playing the piss out of it….to the point of making myself sore.  Baseball and Boxing have been hard on the arms, lemme tell you.  I think my next purchase for it might have to be Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, because that just has to be awesome.  But we shall see.

I finally got around to watching Superman Returns a couple nights ago.  It was pretty good.  Nothing too special, and really cheesy and predictable in spots, but still pretty good.  The most confusing thing to me was how they seemed to ignore bits and pieces of Superman II, which was supposed to be the movie this one followed.  Ignoring that Lois knew Clark was Superman was kind of a big obstacle for me.  And her kid being his?  Lame and predictable.  Very much so.

Work is still going great.  No complaints there.  At all.  Hell, I’ll even get to make a 16 hour day out of working an 8 hour shift on July 4th.  See, I’ll also get 8 hours of holiday pay, even though I’m going to be working 8 hours.  So I get paid for both.  Pretty fucking sweet, I gotta say.  And it’s very likely to be dead as fuck that day, so, y’know, all the sweeter.  ‘Course, knowing my luck, we’ll be slammed.  Either way, though…..it’ll be worth it to make a 48 hour week without putting in any actual extra hours.

And I suppose that’ll end it here.  I got not much else to get off me chest at the moment.  Maybe I’ll be able to report back more often after the move, but I tend to doubt that’ll change my OD schedule very much.  Remains to be seen for sure, though.  Until the next time…….ferk off.


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