Return to the Earth

In more ways than one, today was the first day back from the mental and physical vacation that lasted way too long, but was also far, far too short for my liking.  Sometimes four days can seem like an eternity while also seeming like it went by in just the fastest fucking blink of an eye in the history of the world.  I have no one to blame for anything but myself, of course.  Can I help it if the second biggest desire I had all weekend was to just sit and play The Legend of Zelda:  The Twilight Princess?  I think not…’s a great frickin’ game so far, after about 12 hours.  So there.  Not wasted at all.

Of course, the greatest desire of the weekend was to be on call for Shera.  Her gall bladder was kicking her ass Saturday and Sunday, causing her to call out of work both days.  Yes, the pain was that bad.  The good news is….the fucking thing is coming out tomorrow.  The bad news is….the fucking thing is coming out tomorrow.  Yes, I know what I just said.  I’m not grotesquely stupid (most of the time).  What I mean is that it’s great that this horribly bothersome, pain inducing piece of shit known as her gall bladder will be gone, and will no longer be causing her the doubling-over-style pain.  But it means surgery.  That’s the downside right there.  Surgery means, aside from the obvious cutting open of (minimally invasive or not….cutting open is still cutting open), rehabbing, extra pain…..and, in this case, going back to school after a week of recovery time.  It means being on a bland, terrible diet.  Then again, it means being waited on hand and foot, and I know she’s looking forward to that.  For me, it means worrying my li’l heart out until I know she’s done tomorrow morning.  If I hadn’t just started a new job today, I’d be right there in the fucking hospital with her family.  Instead, we have to settle for me showing up at about 8 p.m. tomorrow night.  It’s better than nothing, of course.  I’ve put in the request to have Shera’s mom call me to lemme know when it’s over.  That way I’ll know everything went fine….which is important when one who has been forsaken and shit on by her Maker repeatedly is involved.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "What I’ve Always Wanted" by Kittie, "High Road" by Fort Minor feat. John Legend, and "Metro" by The Vincent Black Shadow (have I mentioned that I fucking love this band?  I have?  Well, now I’m saying it again…..I fucking love this band).

As I stated earlier, I started my new job with Comcast today.  I even wore a shirt and tie for the occasion….for upwards of ten hours, no less!  On a side note…I really don’t mind being dressed like that once I get there….it’s just getting me to put it on that’s a pain in the fuckin’ ass.  Anyway…  Today was just your typical orientation day.  Paperwork here, meet the managers there.  We really didn’t learn anything of importance today.  I kind of dread going back to this whole call center thing, knowing how badly it beat me down at Dell, but I think it’ll be a little easier to deal with this time around.  No horrible pressure to make sales on every single call.  Just listening to problems and providing solutions.  Hell, I’ve been doing that shit for people for my entire life.  The pay is going to be great….the benefits are even better (say goodbye to paying a cable bill!……that’s $165/a month I get to save!)….so I can’t really complain too much.  If I end up with a shift I want, it’ll be something like noon-9pm five days a week.  That’d be sweet.  It’s funny how I try to schedule everything around life outside of work…..wait….no it isn’t.  Work is the shit part of life.  It’s the outside stuff that makes it life worth living.  Duh, me.  I rule.  Anyway…we shall soon see just how much pouring into my head of knowledge I can do.  My strongest area when I worked at Dell was product knowledge.  I might not’ve been able to sell a space heater to an eskimo, but I knew every god damn thing about the heater, and what it could do for them.  And that counted for something (albeit very, very fucking litle).

Anyway….what was my point?  I’m not sure I had one.  Hooray rambling!

Tomorrow is the day my older brother, Jason, turns ::gulp:: thirty.  ::shivers::  God damn that makes me feel so super old.  I mean, fuck, I’ll be 27 in about six weeks.  Twenty-fucking-seven!  That just ain’t right….

And I guess that’s about all I gots for this night.  Back to your irregularly scheduled evening.  Or something like that.  Just don’t trample each other on the way out.


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