The Formless Wordy Compulsion

I just finished watching Amelie.  For some reason, I feel compelled to write.  Nothing particular, really.  I could sit here and go on and on about how entirely fucking brilliant and beautiful the movie is, but I don’t think too many would care.  You may never catch me saying this again, but I don’t think there’s any way I could make some people watch this movie, no matter how brilliant I say it is (which is "exceedingly"), or how I think it’s a movie everyone should see.  It’s one of those that is only going to attract certain people.  I mean, since it’s in French, there goes about 80% of the movie watching public ("What is this crap?  You mean I have to read subtitles!?").  And I’m going to estimate that of the remaining 20% or so, that this movie would only appeal to about 5% of them.  And I bet they’ve already seen it.  So any appealing I do is futile to me.

One thing I had forgotten was how genuinely lovable the character of Amelie is.  Audrey Tautou infuses such a brilliance into the character through facial expressions and mannerisms.  It puts Amelie Poulain into a rare category…….populated by only a slight other few.  Which category?  The "Movie Characters I Could Fall For If They Were Real" (and no matter how many different ways I try to say it, it always sounds way more pathetic than I mean it to….but oh well).  Other members:  Enid from Ghost World, Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Charlotte from Lost in Translation and Abby from The Truth About Cats and Dogs.

But enough about that.  Whatever tiny shred of dignity I possessed is probably gone now.  As far as you know.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "The Tease" by Evans Blue and "Set it Off" by Static-X

If all had gone according to plan, I would have left to go to Ohio today to visit Jason and Jenny.  Instead, my mom and stepdad are still waiting for the insurance adjustor to come by and have a look over their house.  And they don’t really know how long they’ll be waiting.  Since they were doing all the paying and such for the trip…well…..I get to spend my three day weekend hanging around here, trying to figure out something to do.

I’m sick of commercials.  I don’t mean just as time fillers, either.  I mean in content….the messages some of them send.  It’s completely retarded sometimes.  For instance, any commercial that implicitly tells males, "If you use Product X, you will get laid, we guarantee it (notaguarantee)!"  Or my new least favorite, the, "You’re not a real man unless you use Product Y," which is funny, because it’s usually some kind of body wash or shampoo.  Basically, I guess, it seems that, after men worked so hard for years to become soft and sensitive, we’re now being accused of being pussies because we don’t use "Bath Products For Men."  Does this mean they think their body wash or shampoo could wash away homosexuality?  Or perhaps that it could make a soft, fat kid into Bob Vila?  I just fail to understand this on every level.  Well, except for one level:  blatant pandering.  It’s getting to the point of being as prevalent as big-tittied blondes in beer commercials, which, of course, I have no problem with (just kidding). 

My Nashville Predators got a nice, big kick in the balls a few days ago when star goalie Tomas Vokoun was diagnosed with blood clots in his pelvis, thus ending his season……mere weeks before the playoffs start.  Such a bummer.  As I said when I first heard it, this fucks our season in the ass.  With Vokoun in net, this team would have at least stood a chance to win the Western Conference.  Without him?  It’ll be an extremely lucky day if we make it out of the first round (depending on the how things shake out).  If Colorado is the first round match-up….the Predators can win that one.  If it’s Anaheim or San Jose………not a chance.

By the way, at this point…..I have Calgary vs. Buffalo in the Stanley Cup Finals.  Just a gut feeling.

And speaking of gut…..mine says it’s time to shut up so I can go get a snack.  Maybe that’s what the feeling was instead of a Stanley Cup Finals Prediction.  Whatever.  I go now.


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April 16, 2006

I surfed over to your diary by looking for diarists’ who love Amelie because I knew they’d be interesting and intelligent. Funny that I found this entry first…. Oh, and I used to write a blog on commercials. Another strange point of irony as I read this.