Overslept My Bounds

It’s like Saturday never happened.  I went to bed at roughly 1:30 a.m. Friday night (or Saturday morning, if you prefer) and woke up at 12:30 p.m. Saturday afternoon.  It wasn’t until about half an hour later that I actually got out of bed.  I was greeted with Texas already leading Colorado 7-0 in the Big XII Championship game, which kept getting worse everytime I checked on it, by the way (I refused to watch, knowing it was going to be a blowout…but I had no inkling of just how bad it would end up).  I talked to Will for a bit while finally getting back to playing Dragon Quest 8.  All the while, I was still pretty tired.  At about 3:00 p.m., I laid back down, foolishly telling myself I wasn’t going to go back to sleep.  Yeah, sure.  Me, lay down and not sleep.  In the middle of the day.  The Texas-Colorado game was 63-7 at this point (like I said, I had no idea it would get so bad…it’s like we never showed up).  Shortly after laying down, I was out again.

I woke up later having no concept of time, as it was dark outside, which was almost the same as it had been when I fell back asleep because it’d been stormy all day.  I squinted at the clock:  8:30 p.m.  Great.  Five more hours in the tank.  Ridiculous.  Sixteen hours of sleep in one day.  And it took me until halfway through Mean Girls (which was roughly 10:15 p.m.) to be wide awake.  Of course, now that it’s 2:45 a.m., I’m as wide awake as I would normally be in the middle of the freakin’ day.  I have no idea how I’m going to get any sleep at all tonight.  Which means I probably won’t.  We shall see.  But like I said…  It’s like Saturday never even existed.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "So Sick" by Flyleaf, "Safe" by Kittie, and "Cold" by Static-X

Work was a bitch this week, mostly just beacuse Terry (the Store Manager) was driving absolutely everyone insane.  She goes into Hyper-Mega-Stupendous-Retarded Annoying Mode when there’s someone from Corporate coming to visit the store.  I guess I can understand it from her end, because it is her ass on the line afterall, but fuck…  She was all over anyone and everyone who came into her sight.  She gives contradictory assignments at times like this.  For instance, she tells me to make doubly sure to get my area spit-shine clean, but ten minutes later tells me I need to go help unload the truck (which is what I’d been doing before being pulled to help hang some new planning boards on a wall).  All I can really do is shrug, sigh, and go do it.  Talking back gets you nowhere with her.  She’s always right…until someone above her tells her she’s wrong.  Typical management, I guess.  When the truck was done, I had 90 minutes before time to go (damned if I was working late).  In this time, I had to get all my stuff cleaned up.  This was no small task given that people dump merchandise in my aisle constantly, especially if I’m not around.  It’s twice as bad during "Corporate Visit Panic Time."  I cleaned up as best I could and went home.  This was Thursday night.  Friday morning, very first thing, she tells me to go get my aisle cleaned up because it’s the very first place they’re going to visit.  So I walk over and see that I lost half of my aisle to various game tables (air hockey, ping pong, poker, etc.), but that there’s also tool boxes and ranges dumped in the aisle.  Not broken ones, which would’ve belonged there, but brand new ones.  Just dumped there to get them out of the way.  So at 7:10 a.m., I let out a huge, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!?"  And then I proceeded to dump the tool boxes directly in the middle of the tool box aisle, and the ranges right in the middle of the range/microwave aisle.  I was so pissed off.  And even moreso when I saw behind all this stuff…  There was a bunch of random items from downstairs in hardware.  Stuff that had been out on the floor, but was, how shall I say, unsightly.  So it was dumped on me.  I just rolled the cart over to the dumpster and threw the shit away.

And, no, I was not the first place Corporate visited.  In fact, I wasn’t even present at my office when they came by.  I was out on the sales floor gathering up merchandise for a recall.  I came back just in time to have the District Loss Prevention Manager ask me how it was going, and tell me they’re going to fence my area in so no one could steal any of the merchandise from my area.  Nevermind that all the stuff I get is either broken, damaged in some fashion, or just really old.  Given the morning I’d had, I was thrilled to hear the caging-in idea was a go.  I’d been annoyed by the thought before, but now….bring it on.  I want to have it.  No one can dump on me when I’m gone, and I’m guaranteed to have an entire aisle of space to myself.  I welcome this change.

On my lunch break on Tuesday I sat in my office and tried to write for the first time in a great while.  What I came up with wasn’t too bad.  Basically, these two assassins (a man named Aragami, a woman named Azumi…both stolen, er, borrowed from Ryuhei Kitamura films of the same names) are about to take on their last assignment, then go start a family together.  Azumi accepts the assignment, but, while doing recon, Aragami realizes the target is his sister.  I haven’t figured out how it works yet, but Azumi demands they go through with it, and does, and thus makes an enemy of Aragami, and they try to kill each other for the rest of it.  And then someone dies.  Or both.  If I can get up the motivation to work on it, I think it would make a pretty decent movie.  It’s kind of cliche, but could be really interesting.  I haven’t figured out the time period yet, either.  Like, is it current, or more medieval.  I’m just not sure.  And no title, either.  I’d like it to take place in Japan either way, but have both assassins be American…even it it takes place in more feudal Japan (obviously Aragami and Azumi will be code names).  It’s early, and I may never touch it again.  But it’s the most excited I’ve been by a story idea in a long time.

And I guess that’ll ’bout do it.  I’m starting to crave some ice cream, and since it’s 3:10 a.m., why the fuck not just go eat some?  Of course, I’ll be up for a long while, so I might as well act like it’s the middle of the day.  Because to me, it pretty much is.  Ah, well.  I’m off like a newlywed’s wedding dress.


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December 4, 2005

I just finished the first season of the Newlyweds. It’s hard to believe that there are people that stupid, but there it is. Maybe I’ll have something new written soon. Love, The Queen of Everything