
Does everyone have a soulmate?

That’s one that has found its way through my head so many times, in so many forms.  There’s so much to take into account there.  Being someone who doesn’t believe in the traditional idea of "The Soul," you would think it’d be hard for me to even want to use the word "soulmate."  And it probably would be…had I not experienced the complete and utter connection that defines the term…and with more than one person.

Which is another issue.  Is it possible to have more than one soulmate?  Obviously I’m going to say yes.  I mean, I met my best friend over twenty years ago, on the very first day of school ever, and we’ve never said even a cross word to each other, because we are perfectly matched personalities who like many of the same things.  Conversations have always been easy.  And even now that we’re separated by 700 miles, barely anything has changed.  We are the constants in each other’s life.  But then…on other occasions, I swore I found other soulmates.  Granted, not all of them proved to be true.  But there was one…

Again, it was pure chance (fate?) that brought them to me.  Random IM’s hardly ever amount to much, but there was one person that came to me in such a manner with whom I connected so completely.  Anyone who has read through this thing for any length of time (not that hardly any people have these days) would guess it was Rebecca…and they’d be right.  And to tell you the plain and utter truth, I still think she was more of a soulmate than Will ever has been.

Conversation has never been so easy with another human being.  It was like the snapping of fingers, like it had a rhythm to it.  Even though we didn’t agree on much, we got along so completely well.  In fact, we were total opposites in most regards.  But we understood each other so completely.  I use that word (completely, I mean) a lot when I talk about Rebecca, but it’s truly the best word I can think of.  We were like two parts of a whole.  In the time since I got to know her really well, I’ve always struggled to describe what our brief moment in time was like.  What we were to each other…

Soulmate is the only word I can think of.

So, does everyone have a soulmate?  Yeah, I tend to think so.  In multiples even.  I just don’t think it’s always the whole storybook thing.  For instance, Rebecca and I haven’t exchanged words (written, spoken, typed, etc.) since the end of March, and that was a letter I wrote to her (we were "pen pals" for about two years).  It’s probably been somewhere around 40 months since I had an actual, live conversation with her of any kind.  We only met in person one time.  But there was an inexplicable bond between us, and, even without having talked to her for so long, I know we’ll never forget each other.

And, of course, Will is going to be around forever.  That’s my brother from another mother.  I just wish I could still run up the street to his house to hang out like I did so many thousands of times in my youth.

And to end….what the fuck?  Me, writing a theme entry?  This is my 457th entry…and very first theme entry.  But, oddly enough, I’ve been revisiting some of that old history between Rebecca and I…so this theme struck me at the perfect time.  Funny how that works sometimes.  But I guess that’s just life for you…………………..  Fuck, that sounds so lame.  I’m shaming myself now.  Well, whatever.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "I’m the One" by Static-X, "The Imperial March" composed by John Williams, and "Someone" by Earshot


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September 18, 2005

i like that. a soulmate doesn’t have to be romantic. i think you can have a bond with someone that completely transcends the length of your relationship and everything else you said. and you better be able to have more than one, because i do! thanks for this entry.