Coming Up, A Look Back

I think I was on the right track last time when suggesting insomnia may be a self-fulfilling prophecy for me anymore.  Now I know it is.  So many nights recently I’ve sat up reading way past what should be bedtime.  And what is it I’m reading?  Why, this diary of course.  Out loud.  It’s amazing how completely unlike me the old entries sound.  And how often I’ve said that in the course of my nearly 450 entries.  I should just take this diary and publish it as a book.  I think it would be absolutely hilarious (well, for the most part).  I just wish the diaries of all my friends (current and former…mostly former) were still on here so I could go back and read them, too.  They were all part of the much larger narrative that was my life then.  Sadly, most of them were either actively deleted, or were allowed to fade into obscurity and be deleted that way.  Only one of them remains (Mo’s), and it hasn’t been touched in something like eight months or so.  If all those diaries really were on here still, I would absolutely edit it all together as a book.  Day by day or something like that.  It’s a nice idea and all, but one that just isn’t possible n’more.  Obviously.

The 25 pages I wrote after Will went back to KC remains untouched past that point.  That particular impetus has burned out for now.  Like all other things I write on, there’s no telling when I might go back to it, or if I’ll go back to it at all.

I had a rare brilliant idea in the shower the other day (hey, back to the shower being the Think Tank!).  I want to rewrite my movie.  Just take it and start almost from scratch.  Keep the basic characters the same, but age ’em, change some things about ’em, update the references (for God’s sake, I have to do this no matter what), and just generally overhaul it.  The idea came from thinking about incorporating religious discussion (as Otep’s "The Lord is My Weapon" starts playing on the 94 song random playlist…weird…anyway…) and just growing up the dialogue in general.  I think I’d want to make Kayla a grad student who majors in Theology and Philosophy, Warren would be…something…probably still a college dropout and get a new name, Stu wouldn’t change too much and may also get a new name, and Donnie…well…I dunno.  He’s at least getting a new name and new purpose, if not going away altogether.  Some stuff to think about, obviously.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down" by Fall Out Boy (I’ve been singing this annoying song’s chorus for a few days now…make it stop!), "Guarded" by Disturbed, and "Rain" by Breaking Benjamin

In the last 2 days, I’ve been recognized by three people I went to school with.  That may not sound so weird to you, but to me….well…it just ain’t right.  First it was by girl named Shannon who wanted me in high school.  She hasn’t seen me since then, that I can recall, so it was amazing she did recognize me at all, what with all the lost hair and pounds since then (she knew me with shoulder length hair instead of the shaved head, and at about 35 pounds heavier).  Second was Paige.  I was only surprised by this one because I didn’t know she was back around Gallatin.  Humorously enough, she and I are in the same boat:  We both work shitty, low paying jobs despite our shiny college degrees.  Worthless, they are.  I may just see about hanging out with Paige again sometime soon.  The third one was some douche I apparantly had a couple of classes with at Vol State.  He recognized me, but I didn’t have a fucking clue who he was.  Can’t even remember his name, and I just saw him today.  Oh well.  Like I care.

At work, our manager is being transferred to a different department.  Somebody said something like "forced transfer" or some such shit, but I don’t remember.  Anyway.  That means we’re going to get a new manager sometime soon.  I was afraid this was coming, because one of the women who often works around us, Barb, has been sabotaging Kecia (the soon to be departing manager) at every opportunity.  All of us guys back there dislike her quite a lot.  Barb, I mean.  We know what she’s doing, and we don’t like it.  She wanted no time putting in for Kecia’s job.  Not far behind her, though, was a few of the other guys back there.  And I may put in, too.  Anyone but Barb, basically.  Not that I care, because I’m getting back into looking for higher paying jobs again.  That, and I’m sick of everyone I see at Sears telling me what to do, or "asking" me to do something for them.  Tonight, I was snapping at people all over the place.  I’m getting to the point where I’m really short-fused at work anymore.  I just snap at people, or ignore them.  Whichever is more appropriate at the time.  It wouldn’t be so bad if fucking retards weren’t the ones in charge.  Alas, they are, so I’m fucked while I’m there.  Mostly, I just mentally check out so I can get through the day with my sanity.  It works, so I got that going for me.

About a week ago, I went to see Revenge of the Sith one last time before it exits theaters (it was only the third time, don’t worry).  Up until about 2 minutes before the commercials and previews start rolling, I’m in the theater all by myself.  Then, some guy and girl come in and walk straight to the back.  I’m mad, but don’t really care because at least it isn’t packed.  About halfway through the movie, I hear what I slowly begin to suspect is sex.  Inevitably, during one of the quiet scenes, my suspicions are confirmed:  they are in the back of the theater fucking.  The rhythmic creaking of seat springs and moaning were unmistakable.  I guess paying $16.50 for two movie tickets was better than finding a cheap ass motel.  Must’ve been teenagers, though, because why would you do that unless you live at home and need somewhere (semi)private to do that.  Unless it was the semi-privacy that was part of the point.  Who knows.  I didn’t bother to ask.

Anywho.  I think it’s time I put a bow on this bitch and called it Robin Hood…er…wrapped up.  Sorry.  Wrong bow.

And with that horrid joke (hey, it’s almost 3 a.m., what can you expect?), I go.


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