Just Another Procrastination Tactic

That’s what my job at Dell really turned out to be.  Just another six months of stalling before having to try and find a job.  In a move that surprised no one really, the temp agency I was technically employed by showed me the door on Tuesday.  I had no chance left to be hired on full time, as my time was nearly up anyway (my last day officially was to be Feb. 18).  As I’ve seen repeatedly in the past, they tend to just let people go early anyway.  I can’t really say I’m upset.  I had begun to abhor the job, if only because there was nothing in it for me anymore.  What ever numbers I put up did nothing to help me at all.  And I could see I was starting to dog it.  So I can’t bitch, because I probably would’ve quit there anyway.  I just would’ve liked to line something up to move on to first.  Instead, I hadn’t had the chance to just yet, having only truly learned my fate mere days before being let go (as in, didn’t know I had no chance to be hired on until a few days before).  So where does this leave me?  The same fucking place I was before I started that job in July.  Nowhere.

As I’ve gone about looking for stuff this time around, I know I’m going to have to settle for something I either hate or am completely ill-equipped for.  Kind of like Dell, except worse, I think.  There are some things I’d like to do, but I have no idea how to get into some of them, and lack the “necessary” training or education to do others.  In fact, what I’ve realized is that there are pretty much no jobs out there that I have the special skills for that I’ll be able to get.  Not that it won’t be for lack of trying, mind you, but I’m a realist here.  Let’s just face facts:  There isn’t much demand for a trained historian.  That’s just the way it is.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  “Someone” and “Wait” by Earshot, “Godzilla Theme” (Millenium Series Version) by Michiru Oshima, and “Want” by Disturbed

One of the main things I’d really like to get into doing right now (which will probably change within the next month or so, as usual) is voice work.  I think I have a very good voice for it, be it commercials, radio spots, even cartoons or games.  I think it’s something I’d do pretty well in.  But just how in the blue fuck does one get into that kind of thing?  Now that I really have the time to do some research, you can be I’m going to try to be finding out.  When I’m not looking for a real job, I mean.  Ah, dreams of the stupid…

The Super Bowl is Sunday.  I don’t care who wins.  I’d rather be watching the NHL…if those fuckers would get their shit together and actually start PLAYING.  How long can the “Hi, I’m an NHL owner, and now I want to try and fix the league I fucked up” and “Hi, I’m an NHLPA member, and I’ve got my head so far up my ass, I can’t see how a salary cap is necessary” shit last?  I have no hope left of a hockey season this year…2005, I mean.  At this point, I’m starting to think league is going to be doing well to EVER play again.  And when they do, I’m not so sure anyone will care.

Quick…what separates me from my best friend!?  I’m unemployed, but looking hard.  He’s just unemployed.  Still.  We’re approaching seven years now since he dropped out of college and hasn’t done jack-fucking-shit.  Sure, I love the life of doing nothing, but it also bores the bejeezus out of me.  He’s been doing it since he was 18 years old!  Yargh.  And no one has ever been able to get through to him about it.  We’ve all stopped trying anymore.

One thing I have noticed in the short time I’ve been back in the job hunting phase is probably the least expected side-effect of having a job.  There’s no more staying at home all day for me.  I haven’t done that yet.  Even on Thursday, when I told myself I was just going to stay home and futz about all day, I still ended up getting restless and going out to find something to do.  That kind of thing almost never used to happen.  Now, I actually just feel like I have to go somewhere and do something everyday.  I guess the daily grind will do that to you.

And with that, I go.  KOTOR II is calling me.


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