The Immovable Object

Alright, shit, can we try this again?

So much for getting back into the habit again, huh?  It’s been damn near another month.  What the fuck is my doggone problem?  Probably somewhere between apathy and laziness.  I dunno.  I think it can really be traced back to school for me.  This used to be part of my daily routine.  Go to class, get lunch, eat it while writing.  It hasn’t really been so simple for about 18 months now, and yet, I can’t seem to get a handle on why I don’t write much n’more.  Perhaps if I actually had a computer at work, it’d be easier.  At home, there’s plenty of other shit to do, so this just kind of gets squeezed out.  Whatever.

A couple of days ago, I had to part with my PlayStation 2 for a while.  For some fucked reason, there is no way to clean the laser lens off without taking the whole fucking console apart, so I had to either send it to the repair center or try to do it myself.  I don’t think I’d be alone in thinking I made the correct choice in sending it off.  Not even really all that inconvinient, either, seeings how I have my Gamecube as well to keep me company.  Then again, I’m not working currently, so I have way more time to kill.

A couple weeks ago was finals week at work.  I worked my ass off that week, because I was trying to balance tutoring my few remaining students, while also proctoring tests.  I did a lot of running around, and running up and down stairs.  Not that I don’t need it, but sheesh…  I spent the last day of finals week sitting in the testing office by myself waiting for one guy to finish up two tests.  From 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., that is.  The first test, for Statistics, he’d been working on since about 9:00 a.m. the previous day.  Yes…the previous day!  So I just sat there desperately trying to do anything I could to kill time.  I even started writing again…not that I’ve touched it since that day.  A decently nice story opening that I’ll probably get around to typing up sometime next millenium.

Since Maymester is slow, I’m off of work for all of May.  It’s not so bad, but it ain’t so grand, either.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  “Duality” by Slipknot, “So Cold” by Breaking Benjamin, and “Extraordinary” by Liz Phair

I’ve begun the rather arduous task of getting myself back into some semblance of shape recently.  I was totally unprepared for just how pathetically out of shape I was.  Our back field is about a fourth of a mile around it, for reference purposes.  The first day, I was all set to just take off jogging, thinking I’d easily be able to jog four or five laps and be done.  HA!  What pipe dreams.  I made it 3/4 of the way around ONCE before having to slow to a walk.  It wasn’t even necessarily my conditioning, either.  It was my legs.  They were about to give out on me.  I’m so shamed to know I let them atrophy to this point.  I almost fell over trying to sprint that first day, because my legs couldn’t take it.  Since that first day, I jog a lap, walk three or four, then sprint 1/4 of a lap to end.  It’s going to take a looooooong time to get my legs back up again.  My bad right ankle isn’t helping things, either.  Yesterday, I had to stop after only two laps because it was killing me.  But I’m determined.  So ain’t shit gon’ stop me.

Recently, my stepmom accused me of being a total log bump.  She told me I needed to get out more and make more friends than just Will and C.J.  She said I was never going to find happiness sitting in my room watching movies and playing games.  She said I needed to go out meet people my age, and do things people my age do.  I sat through her schpiel wanting to laugh.  First of all, she made it sound like my behavior had changed so much since I graduated college.  I used to think so, but this aspect of it hasn’t.  When I was in school, I NEVER went out.  I sat in my dorm room all week long, and was thrilled with my life.  No I actually go out and do things most nights.  Basically, she was insinuating that I need to find a girlfriend.  So I shot back at her, “I spent the first 23 years of my life chasing girls, and where did it get me?  I hardly think a girl is the answer to whatever problems I have.  I think one would only make things worse.”  Or something to that effect.  I dunno.  I think most people would say her speech had much validity, but no one knows me like I do, so I know she doesn’t know me.  Which means she doesn’t know what I’m like, what I like, and what I don’t like.

Her best line was that there are no girls who like sitting around playing video games and watching movies.  I wanted to just slap her silly for saying that.  Of course they exist, you dumbass!  Just because none of ’em are people you know doesn’t mean they don’t exist.  Guh.  Some people…

And I suppose I’ve gone on long enough.  I gotta learn to space this shit out.  Save some for another time.  Yeah, that’s the ticket…

“Am I in the right place?”
“Well, that depends, sir.  Where is the right place, exactly?”


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May 13, 2004
May 13, 2004

ummm…helloooo?!??? i love video games and movies and not going out! your mom clearly doesn’t know what she’s talkin about. and good luck w/ the getting in shape thing, that reminds me i need to do a good workout tomorrow before work. thanks for the note, and sorry bout the social psych stuff, that sucks. 🙂

What games do you play on the ps2? 😀

May 16, 2004

Ya know, I keep saying I’m going to get back into the writing habit too….but I don’t. It’s just one of those things I either don’t feel like doing or have absolutely nothing to say. Oh well.