
lately i have been watching a BBC show called Merlin… i love it

other than that i still have a job, surprisingly, and i’m pretty sure they love me there

kyle went in to the office to help with some things and they told him that they are going to try to keep finding work for me, yusss income!


christmas was ok, my family drove me nuts as usual

felt really bad because my sister was not as impressed by the book i made her as i had hoped (i suppose that’s what i get for having expectations, but dang it)

however i did get a really gorgeous scarf from my mom

and i ended up pumping out a quilt for her in like 3 days (too intense)

this is what it looked like (well, almost.. i added more to the border later)

the batting i bought for it was supposedly ‘crib sized’.. what!

and then i was going to make a quilt for my dad, but haven’t got to it yet because i’m a bad daughter


i think i am sick because my throat feels like fire and drinking water doesn’t help


seriously considering signing up to be a vendor at bonnaroo this year

need to do some research

but i think christina will join me


right now i am reading graveyard book and it’s awesommmme

my love for neil gaiman is inconceivable


here are some things to cheer you up


the ever changing grocery list on the blackboard wall

(poogles is my favorite)

justice diaper was originally justin beiber, though i’m not sure why that was on the grocery list to begin with


my shining light

this makes me laugh too hard

(it’s an alien baby)



and my experimentation with curls


g’day, folks

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January 8, 2013

YOUR CURLS! YOUR QUILT! that sucks hard about your sister, that’s really ungrateful of her to not like something you made her by hand, always wanted to read neil gaiman. also plz come to finland n have an adventure with me

January 8, 2013

ps, that’s my friend james, he’s living in korea at the moment!

January 8, 2013

rofl..dookey soda. I love precious, man…shes so chill. ryn: am I neato frito bandito?

January 9, 2013

g’day cthulu

January 10, 2013

nice bangs yo, in the u.k. they call bangs a fringe. you’re fringin’ the **** out my man.

January 14, 2013

Hmmm, nice quilt Have you read The Preacher Series? I heard it’s the SECOND best graphic novel series, AFTER The Sandman by Neil Gaiman I quite like the violence, and theology, and drugs, and sex, and attitude, and humour, and all that Checked into Sandman, heard it’s about wolves and magicians and sh.t… but it did outsell The Preacher series 2 to 1. so I’m wondering, have you read both, and would you recommend Sandman?

January 17, 2013

all quiet on the julie front 🙁