too hot inside, too hot outside

earlier this week i was a raging monster of negative emotions

bein’ sassy to poor kyle

but i’ve been taking an extract of angelica root and the past couple of days i have been GREAT

it is supposed to balance my jacked up hormones and it totally works and i feel like a real human again

plus i really didn’t want to go to sculpture class today and then i found out it was cancelled



right now in sculpture class we are working with sheet metal

it’s my first time and we have to make an abstract form which is also kind of a first for me

we had to buy a 5 ft x 5 ft rolled up sheet of the metal and it was really funny/embarrassing trying to carry it to class

it is fun using all these big metalworking tools

i cut up a bunch of 2 inch squares that i’m going to make a scale pattern with

and probably spray paint or something


i’m wishing i had also taken this screenprinting class earlier because it is so great and my speed and just makes the most sense to me

i made a digital stencil of another one of my drawings of my bedroom window/ceiling and i think it’s going to turn out pretty sweet

i’ve included some clouds and will probably try to make a gradient with the ink

wanting to make a bigger edition this time so i can maybe sell some!

last time i was so excited and gave away most of my prints haha


i am so happy that sam enjoyed her book!!!

i had to steal some thread from the bookmaking room at school for it hahaa

but i used one of my favorite fabrics, has such fantastic colors

sharing things is the best!!


i literally have 12 days left of college, WHAAA

then i will try to earn some monies, hopefully not via food service job


wondering why i only just got the latest cocorosie album

lemonade is on repeat FA SHO

also netherfriends and the newest animal collective songs 🙂


i think i’m going to make a dog blog LOL

seriously though i think i will dedicate one to precious and upload photos of her and fun things about her daily life hahaha

makes me smile just thinkin’ about it

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July 19, 2012

oooooee sheet metal scale pattern!!!

July 20, 2012

man your classes sound like so much fun, we have all those facilities at my college but we have to avail of them ourselves and so it takes longer to learn 🙁 you get to so much at once, i’m jealous! also you finish college so late, we always finish in May and don’t go back until September, it is really ****. hell yes to your dog blog!!! and hell yes to my book :)))))

July 23, 2012

,,.,.Yes,,I demand a Precious dedicated entry.

July 24, 2012

heeeeey so i have been listening to flubasitbox a bit this week and i have ideas swirling around my head from it , i was wondering would you mind if i made a video to it?! if you do i totally understand!

July 26, 2012

r: yay that’s so exciting! could you possibly email me the original file when you get time? , i will work on it for the next month 🙂

August 9, 2012

r: that is no problemo my friend! i am excited to do it whenever that may be!