here is my hand, where is your paw?

weather has been MAGNIFICENT

and my new headphones are so excellent to use outside laying in the grass with my pup

i only listen to joanna newsom at school

because my favorite songs of hers are like 15 mins each hah but mostly because she helps me get through the schoolday

apparently the school is not offering the comprehensive spanish class i’m currently in after this semester

hah because there is a big gap between those who should be in level 2 and those (like me) who luckily got into the class via placement test score

anyway it’s lucky i got in so i only have one more spanish class after this one

sounds like i’m a lousy student but i’m just really ready to get out of here and move somewhere where i can tend to goats and chickens and a cow

and i’m just not so down with the point system


kyle’s brother showed us a show called meet the natives: usa, and it is about five tribesmen from an island in the pacific ocean that come to america to see what the american lifestyle is all about

and it is so excellent and funny but quite sad because it just shows how money-driven and egotistical americans are

but the five dudes are like the sweetest, happiest people EVER and i would so love to meet them


anyway my next project for color theory is to re-invent the art on the cover of the giving tree!

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October 6, 2011

cool project. laying in the grass headphones dog seems like a dreammmmm