Can’t forget

Intention will need attention to stem manifestation. In your mind your ego must question your self: "do I want this to manifest?". The intention requires focus from your intellect with help from your memory, and attention requires energy from your body balanced by your breath.

Leandra: Hello? I dunno what orange symbols mean….

Sent at 12:24 AM on Tuesday

me: hiya lea
orange means busyness !
i must have missed ya..!

Leandra: love! don’t leave!

me: *hug!
have a good day today?

Leandra: HI!! HI hi hi

me: haha!

Leandra: yeah baby

me: your a funny one

Leandra: good day is truthful!

me: [grin]

Leandra: I feel goood

me: goodness is felt once again!!!

Leandra: present moment is inevitable is workin’ it’s magic!
oooh yeah!

me: it’s the secret!

Leandra: aw me gawd…
i just dunna..

me: share with me

Leandra: ooh

me: oooooh

Leandra: really?

<span chatdir="2″>

me: yes

Leandra: I got busy
like a busy bee

me: hee!

Leandra: i was workin’ my act
up into a bee doodle!

me: what’s your act young miss?

Leandra: weeeell…
I made phone calls

me: yuh-huh!

Leandra: and researched yoga studios

me: aoooo!
beautiful bee busyness!

Leandra: and went to a meeting at a student activist organization
called LUCAP

me: sweeto!
what’s it stand for?

Leandra: and wathed ’em get stocked

me: what’re they so happy ’bout

Leandra: Loyola University Community Action Program? maybe?

me: gotchun

Leandra: anyway, sorry i mean stoked
about srisri’s visit

me: i understood

Leandra: and i also sold tickets
over the phone

me: aOOh! Wickedness!

Leandra: and also to a girl named sunshine at the meeting

me: you’re on a roll my fortunate friend!

Leandra: that’s right, SUNSHINE

me: that

Leandra: well, hope it lasts
i’m being given a few more duties at my request

me: this is the cutests bit of news by the way

Leandra: so that i can be busy and not sad
cutest news???

me: <span chat="" a0f75ccf56361a6a32=””>that’s the ticket!

Leandra: what does dat mean…?
you mean i’m cute!!

me: runnin’ round meeting people named "sunshine"

Leandra: ??

me: heh!

Leandra: actually she met me… she
to the glory
heh heh
she wanted

me: by your wonderfullness and strength

Leandra: to know if I would be

me: where!

Leandra: that’s right baby

me: at the event?

Leandra: yup

me: and you will!

Leandra: ooooh yeaaah

me: you must have been percieved as an angel, I can imagine!

Leandra: aaaw shucks, you makin’ me blush sugah cakes…….do you think i should go to washington for the US SILVER JUBE JUBE?
it’s the day after tomorrow

me: sounds as if you’ve been aknowledged, blessed and worshiped! Go there by all incredible means

Leandra: it costs mulaaa
but not to mush!!

me: how much, goimme numbers

Leandra: [smile]

me: i wanna see some numbahs!

Leandra: well, 69

me: 69 bucks?

Leandra: $$ for the flight
and 50? dollahs
<div chat="" baa7aab89341db9965="" class=”bz_msg_cont”>for the event

me: 50 bucks!

Leandra: and it’s formal so
i might have to buy a suit
and food/hotel? maybe

me: is there anybody who would go with you?

Leandra: emily might have a place to stay for me
yeah a few people are going

me: well then, darlin’, when’s the next train?

Leandra: for a 20 hr or so trip
no no! flyin’!!!

me: delightful!
20 hr flight?
that’s immense! Outta take ya round the world n’ back!
you be safe now!

Leandra: no!

me: [grin]

Leandra: hang on a sec

me: *fart

Sent at 12:45 AM on Tuesday

Leandra: ok!
i’m back
it’s a 20 hr trip alltogether

me: *pop! Ohh, i gotcha

Leandra: the flight is prob only 1 hr or something

me: wel…. you’re broke huh?

Leandra: but
it looks like the people who are going are only ‘dragging themselves away from preparing for the 3rd’ because some relative is going who has never met guruji
so it’s probably better i stay here and work mah ass
yup yup
and i’m brokers

me: sounds fine, save money that way!

Leandra: yaw

me: but if it’s meant to be, then it would blow your cap!

Leandra: heh… so… lauren is back in school cause oh timmo, eh?
hee hee
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