Corr. Lisa Sloan

From:  "Leigh Sloan" <>
Subject:  scorin the scales
Date:  Wed, 28 Jun 2006 22:38:40 -0400

ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
do re me fa so la ti do
I am you and you are me too

i see you in this mirrorr and
our reflections glow clearer
flower of life essence brings oneness into fullness

acid trippin in the ontario wilderness….
rock picking in the sodalite mines yours and yours mine my me find by me…. a re wind to the sea when i last saw your straw hat, it seemed that i needed a pat on the back from my friend phil.
chillllll in…  lovvven your presence in my heart.
to you, I honour you……  how is bc?  where do u bee my tree?



I’ve been runnin’ from the power of the cities, tryin’ to keep in between ’em or in the woods far, far away from ’em. Since I returned from the BC bush, somethin’s been eating away at my energetic freedom when around cars n’ trucks n’ towers n’ oil n’ stressed out peeps, etc. I left a family of tree’ers behind in search of a place to heal, I had planned from the beginning to leave early. I was invited to work as a seva volounteer at an Ashram in northern Quebec. It’s a place where everyone awakes at the rise of the sun to stretch, breathe and meditate together before giving their attention to other things. Sometimes they go for days without communicating verbally as away to observe one’s mind. The days are occupied by the harvest of an organic garden that is planted amid 250 acres of gorgeous forest, holding within it 70 lakes, and millions of greenly trees. The NGO is called the Art of Living, they have this Ashram for anyone who needs to escape stress or turn within and seek happiness and acceptance and love and all that kind of beautiful stuff. Every night a sanskrit jam takes place, it’s called a satsung. A singer leads the melody and everyone else repeats. The words hold significance to traditional hindu gods and in singing them you can feel your central nervous system harmonize itself, releasing toxins and anxiety. The best part is the end of the jam when everyone’s blissed out on energy and laughing. I’ll send a clip of a mini-satsung we had in Hali. They can get pretty intense, so I’m bringing my drum, singing bowl, and newly acquired 10-string acoustic! I got the guitar really cheap in a pawn shop somewhere in Saskatchewan when I crossed back over the country. A few songs have come out of it, and I’ve used it on stage once, at an open mike! There’s one other exciting thing that happened: I got off the greyhound in Sault St. Marie, ON, to spend a day or two on a little farm outside Deberats. A friend I made while planting in Alberta told me it would be wise to visit her folks. The mom and dad were spectacular celtic musicians, and very enlightening people. I got to hang out with their 3 year old daughter (genius! adorable! sings and dances to herself regularily), I got to climb around in trees with their two teenaged boys, and I helped keep the house clean with their older daughter. It was a very energizing stay for me; a good opportunity to recollect the experiences of each of their ages. I helped out on the farm by helping to build this addition out of clay-straw walls. Environmentally friendly, AND plants can grow out of it! The mom dropped me off at the edge of town where I wanted to start hitch-hiking. I had never done it before so I was nervous while equally excited. My journey took me a day and a night and was a much more thrilling road trip than a grey hound bus could ever provide.

I’m in Nepean now, only to repack my bags and take off to the country again. After the internship I’ll be returning to see old kindergarden friends and party at their cottages ;o)

This summer’s goin’ by too fast!

What are you upto? Check out the Ashram if you get a chance:

I love ya, and miss ya


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