Corr. Molly – advocating King’s

I got your letter package present deallie. Totally awesome! Phil the Alien is one of the movies which were showcased in the Atlantic Film festival last year at the Oxford Theatre. I went and saw it with Tom one night, and we both still have the ticket stubs. Mine’s taped to my guitar case. In addition, those squares were delicious. I fed one to Dave, one to Tom, JP, Geoff and Andrea. Not to Elanore though. And that type-written letter was lovely! To adjust the margin’s you have to slide the margin slider over, it’s usually located along the length of paper roller (above and behind it). There should be one for the right and one for the left; they’re really small metal thingies. On mine, at least, you have to push them in first and then slide. There should also be a ruler to show you what dimensions it will be set at.

It’s great that you were accepted to U Vic. I know what you mean about not being surprised. My mom would freak out and start screaming when I got accepted somewhere, while I just sat and shrugged. It’s a weird time. For me I felt like my mother’s loaded gun, except I had to make the decision of where to aim.

You said you don’t want to go there but you didn’t say why exactly. Don’t take me the wrong way with this or anything because the decision is entirely up to you and you can ignore this if you want. I would be happy for you wherever you end up. However, if you’re recollecting your initial judgment made on that tour they led you on then hear this. When I took a tour of Dalhousie I thought it was the ugliest, most run down, un-friendly, snobby piece of horse trodded gutter spunk east of Montreal. I was truly turned off, and, to be completely honest, I knew nothing about how special Halifax was when I finally made the decision to come out here; it just happened to be a waiting bonus. After three years I still think that Dal is nothing like I judged it to be when I visited it in Grade 11, there is no way a tour could do a place like it any justice. It’s a lot like camp: It’s not the “place” that determines your experience, it’s the people at that place with whom you grow with. King’s College just happens to be rated one of the best school’s in the country and the people who are attracted to come to it aren’t your every day shmos (plural for shmo?). I can guarantee you straight out that I haven’t met a King’s College student who I didn’t get on hugging terms with. When you met some of the students during your visit, they may not have seemed to be quite your “type”, they might have even seemed a little cultish to a degree. They’re their own “type”, it’s because they’ve been growing so tightly knit with their each other for an intensive period of time. They’ve bonded a unique energy together. I spoke with Alison about this summer, and she told me how she really doesn’t want to leave everyone behind, even if it’s just for four months. Everyone had learned so much from each other. A bit of a story: Their last day of classes was Tuesday and every FYP final term paper was due at 3pm. So all afternoon FYP kids were running across the quad; screaming and hollering cheers from those who have already handed theirs in. There was such energy to feel and a site to see. There was even supposed to be a reggae band playing on the steps to the library but it would have been too loud for the studious ;o)

Allright, well I guess my evocative persuasion has carried on long enough. I guess what sparked it was the realization that I really grew to befriend a lot of the FYP kids after your visit and I couldn’t stop thinking how “Molly could certainly relate to these guys..”. They’ve all grown so rich in experience and I never heard a single one say they wouldn’t do it again.

-philly m

ps: go to King’s


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