Summer Time Confessions

Rebecca Creasy 

<>to me

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  Jan 14 (19 hours ago)

hey there phil, dunno if u remember me – its becca from rky camp, anyways just wanted to say hey and to say thanks…back in the summer when i was worried about my relationship w aaron cuz of that one girl that he kissed, u said that from what i told u about him and the relationship that he’s a keeper adn that i should always remember that…anyways just wanted to say thank u so much, ur advice rings in my head every day…and i also wanted to say thanks for being the amazing person that i could confide anything in and u’d always listen no matter what…just wanted to say that it meant a lot to me to have that kind of a friend at camp.
i hope u had a good new years and that school is going well. hope to talk to u soon


Phil MacKenzie 

to Rebecca

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  12:10 pm (0 minutes ago)

Hey Becca,

Camp is certainly a long time ago, but there’s no way I’d forget who you were! I did CiT with you even! I remember as far back as the CiT porch, sitting with you and making bracelets from this huge multi-compartment beed container you had, talking simply about simple things. Gosh, we were only 16…

Anyways, thanks for your e-mail, and your welcome for the advice I ‘spose. I’ll never forget those late-night chats and mid-day serious talks we had. Nor will I ever forget kicking the shit out of each other on our nights off. It was way better than sitting in the staff loung with those…other folk.

I hope your relationship with Aaron is going well. I thought I should mention that I don’t think I’m going back to RKY this summer. I do believe I’ve made some big plans for myself ;o)

Take care, and I miss you.
Love Phil

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