Only girls today…

Studying for Geology in the Weldon Law building; a gorgeous thursday waits outside.

Before hitting the library, I go to Shirreff to see Shiela and speak to Darrelyn about taking care of Elanore over christmas break. Her father died only a few weeks ago of simultaneous bowel, stomach, liver, and kidney cancer. She’s gotten better everyday I’ve come in to eat, and today was the first time I’ve heard her yuppity laughter in ages. Her and her son Jordan are excited to take the bunny. We arranged a pick up date.

My first study break landed me in front of a computer wasting time on sites like this… In walks Amanda, Kimiko’s roomie and buddie since they lived in Sherriff hall together 3 years ago. She plops down at a computer opposite to me, sporting awfully baggy woodsie clothing she made with her own hands. Her toque is a vibrantly knitted hot pink bag that contains her cozy brown hair and flops about the back fo her neck. Her glasses make her eyes and nose look like Proffessor Mcgonagal’s. Her coat is in-describable except for the trait of it being enormous and looking at it makes you feel comfy. I’ve never seen her without this little purple stuffed heart safety pinned to her right breast, resembling a raddish until closer examination. A long thick beige/brown skirt covers leg warmers and floppy maccasins. She smiles while first taking seat, and 30 minutes later get’s up, throwing her firsts in the air, and bounds over to slam a 25 page paper on the desk in front of me. She just finished first semseter.

I head to the Killam to get a salad, maybe see Dave. Bought a salad and the plump african woman working the Bistro gave me a free cookie with her motherly smile. Exam time must have student service staff locked and loaded with generosity. I kinda like it.

Jessica Mitchell spots me instantly and I wave my way to the ridiculously small circular table where she was eating a Bistro falafel-wrap. Everytime I speak to Jess her eyes make me feel guilty for never calling her to make plans to bake banana bread. I guess she has interests in me, I wonder how long I can play dumb about it.

Lindsay came out of nowhere to give me a cuddly hug and share with us the texture of her soft knitted beige scarf. Jess left to go do something or other, and Dave popped out of nowhere to take seat at the circle table with a yogurt treat. Lindsay commented on our healthy diets, and within 2 minutes Dave’s yogurt was devoured and he went to fetch a samosa from the generous Bistro mom.

Kimiko materialised for a hug and a chat about her plan to travel around India next semester. She’s conscerned about the energy fluxuations. She’s heard stories of people who went to India to have the worst experience of their life one morning and then the best experience of their life later that afternoon.That girl’s experiences have taken some exciting swings since I knew her last year. I encouraged her to try tree-planting last summer and she absoloutely loved it. Now she’s dating an incredible skater she met in BC and leading Krea in her living room. I wish I could go with her to India, she’s encouraging me to. It’d be an experience to remember, but I fear I have no available time for round world trips… right now anyways.

Back at the library I bump into Christy, Kimiko and Amanda’s roomie. She notices how spuddled I am about my exams and gives me a little squeeze. Her note book had this cool plastic emblem on it that looked like it had been melted on. Kinda midevil in it’s design and placement. She went on her way to dive a nose into a philosophy book. She’s like an aunt, only much cuter and with a head full of theory.

Studying with the setting sun had me in a Geologic daze. I was in the same chair writing up my study sheet for hours, closely examining my miniscule writing. My eyes were so squinted that I didn’t notice Ally sneak up behind me. She calmly, and gently took an un-sealed jam-jar of water out of her coat pocket and placed it beside my left hand (I often wonder about this girl…how the hell didn’t it soak her pocket?) I looked over my shoulder and she was standing directly beside me, not touching me or making a sound. She giggled in her unique way and we communicated in silence for a while. She spent the rest of the evening studying on the same floor as I, occasionally pausing to give me a purple shell, or doodle a picaso-esq face on my paper. We quizzed each other and she saved my ass by noticing my crib sheet was too big (see prev. entry).

Break for dinner. My task was to hunt down a samosa at the Grad house. One again i bump into Lindsay, internally wondering if she’s single. For $1.60 I scored myself a samosa with sour cream, and a seat beside Romy who sang me a Niel Young song (helpless) on her twin sister, Sari’s, mandolin. I like Romy a lot, but I think maybe we’re too complicated to ever become anything. Sari and Becca came to join me and Becca snuggled my head and let me read her polka song about whiskey. Romy kept on strummin’ away as Sari described how appauled she was that her mandolin dissapeared without notification. God damn those girls are cute.

Just as I’m packing up from studying, I get a long distance call from my buddie Molly in Toronto. She’s in grade 12 but needs to be at King’s college as we speak. She’s too mature for her peers, yet comes off as being non-confident for her age. She’s the kid with the polka dot shoes and the plaid scarf you’d see working co-op for a magazine called "THIS Magazine". Very artsy, yet adorable and opend minded.

Once I arrived home to my niche of males, I was greeted by Dave. Not 5 minutes after taking off my coat Risa  Corbet phoned. The conversation began like this:


In a high, girly voice "Hi Phil, it’s Risa."


In a voice 4 octaves lower "Sexy…"

We proceeded to chat about her plans to switch programs again. This time she wishes to take Vocal Performance at some place like U of T. I told her that was incredible and let her know how proud I am of her for finally finding her passion in something she’s unbelievably talented with. We then discussed plans for our christmas dinner gift exchange. I made her a scarf. She was the last girl to say goodnight to me before I hopped into bed,. The house was quiet, all the other guys were out at their girlfriends’ houses.

I couldn’t get over how many feminin confrontations I had today, I feel as though it was an opportunity to compare and contrast personalities amongst only girls. It made me realise more and more how hard it must be to make the decision to marry someone, how could you possibly decide? Anyway, I liked today, it was very…gentle? Calm? Exciting? Huggable…

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December 9, 2005

You have some amazing women in your life

I love reading the ones that bring a smile to my face. Mission accomplished with this one, my friend. -Jer

December 11, 2005

Sounds like a wonderful day Phil. I envy your food selections that are available to you. I think the cafeteria served samosas once last year…we should figure out how to make some over the break. That, and banana bread of course. I don’t know if you’re vegetarian this time ’round or not, but I’ll assume yes. So we’ll also make falafels. Why? Because they’re f!cking GOOD. That’s right.See you soon