SEX SEX SEX…….In the CITY, that is!!!!



Tonight is the night where me and my girls are going to see Sex in the City!!!! OHHH YESSSSSS!! I am SUPER excited. I loved the series and I know I’m gonna Love the movie!!! It is funny cuz my friends and I are bringing in alcohol to the movie to enjoy it even more. And I mean like if it’s bad…ShIT…I’ll be drunk anyways!!! LOLOLOL!!! AWWWW and it’s a beautiful day in NY too…..HORRAY!!!! Can’t wait.

I just wanted to update you guys on that….nothing else seems to be going on…..Oh I haven’t done shit at work cuz my supervisor has not been here all week!!! WOOO HOOO..that HEFFER…can’t stand her ass…he BIG ass…..But yea…!!!!!!

OH..I got a call for another job by my house!!! I am going on an interview on Monday!! It’s basically the same crap I’m doing in family court…but….this will be sooo much closer to my house!!!! GOD….I hope I get it!!!! Wish me luck.!!!!

OK…..Now I’m really done. I have a training to go to for work…then I’m changing into my skinny jeans…my red stiletto heel…..and my cute shirt..and I’m GOING to see my movie!!! WOOO HOOO!!!! I’ll update you on it….don’t worry!!!

Later Dayz people…..Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!! **MMWWAAHH***


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May 30, 2008

Hmmm,,,I wonder if you watched the series. *ponders hard* *ponders hard* *ponders too hard* *poops himself* Shit…

May 30, 2008

Good luck with the new job. Have fun tonight!

May 30, 2008

There’s a guy who sits near me… the other ‘macho’ type guys were giving him a hard time today because he mentioned he’s going to see SITC tonight… asked him if he’s getting a mani-pedi first lol He was like, ‘you’re missing out… it’s about SEX in the city… and those ladies are HOT.’ lol Have fun! You should have a friend take a pic of you in your cute outfit so we can SEE you!

May 30, 2008

hmm..your title got me excited for a minute… I need a cosmo….now.

June 1, 2008

good luck with the job! 🙂

June 1, 2008

RYN: ha ha on no! i dont see that one happening… he’s moving anyways..ha ha im not allowed to date till im 30..according to my cousins.

June 5, 2008

how was the interview?