OMG..I actually had FUN!!!

Helloooooooooooooo all……

I must say, I had a very nice weekend. It was BEAUTIFUL in New York for a change this holiday weekend!!! HooRRAAYYYYY!!


OK…first off…Let me see, Friday nothing really special happened…Me and the man went out for dinner, just the two of us. I love going out with him. We can crack each other up!!! Went to a chinese food resturant in Scarsdale. Very nice…a bit snobbish…but I didn’t care…I was drinking and having funnn!!

Then Saturday….I went to see the tutor for my exam again. She told me that she is willing to just tutor me untill I take my exam again in August. I told her that I would like this alot and it can help me stay on track with studying. She seems sympathetic towards me. I didn’t like the heffer at first, but now she seems sincere. Then after this, I went to a kid’s birthday party. It was my sister’s best friend’s kid’s party. He is sooooo adorable!!! I wanted to steal him…but then that wouldn’t look good being that I work for children’s services...But I did think about it! The party was cool. Then I got home and just laid out. running after kids all day is not fun and wears you out!! Not to mention my cute outfit I had on got cake, chicken, and juice all over it. *Note to self…NEVER wear cute things to kid’s parties EVER again" * But I have to give it to all the mommies out there. Running after kids all day is extremely hard…(giving you all a round of applause!)

OK…the next day, I went to my boyfriend’s sister’s house. She and her Hubby live in a really nice area of Ny called Granite Springs. BEAUTIFUL!!! But she had a BBQ with her friend’s there. It was really cool cuz she has a great deck in the back yard and a HUGE backyard where the Yankees can play sometimes….not lying. They even have a trail that goes further up into the woods. Her daughters were like "come on DeeJ we wanna show you the rest of our yard"….I was like…Hmmm… senerios like this, black people don’t just go into the woods for the hell of it…and if they do…they don’t come out alive!!!! LOL…..But I was like…ok! I went in there and WOW!!! I saw deer!!! It was soo beautiful. I was amazed!! Once we got back we ate, had hot dogs, burgers, steaks, ribs, potato salad…..the works. It was alot of fun. We stayed out there untill it got real dark out side. I then…got REALLY scared cuz it felt like Freddy Kruger or Micheal Myers were going to come out of the trees and kill us!! was fun…

Then…Monday…I went back to Long Island to see my parents….yea…they know I’m still mad at them. But whatever….I was hanging with them for a while until my friend called me to come out to Sunken Meadow Park. I was like HELL yea….… my bathing suit together with the towels and blanket..and I was out!! It was such a great day to be by the beach!!! My friend’s family is sooooo nice. They treat me like another sister of their’s. It was fun…we played cards…dominos, and Jenga!! We went into the water…which was cold….then we got out of the water and just layed out in the sun….It was fun…..


Now that was a good weekend! at least for me…..

OHH…..and to top it all off…my supervisor is OUT all week LONG!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! There is a GOD!!

OH..and ONE MORE THING…………SEX AND THE CITY THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!! Me and my friend’s all ready bought tickets!! Can I tell you…it is already sold out in ALL the movie theaters!!! CRAZY I know! But I bought my tickets like 3 weeks in advance!!! OMG…Can’t WAIT!!!!!!!

OK peeps….I gotta run…..U know what time it is…..PILL TIME!! Hmmmmmmmmm!!

Later days..


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May 27, 2008

Sounds like a fun weekend! I saw on ET that a lot of New Yorkers were mad because the movie premiered in London instead of New York. Why would they do that when it is SET in NYC???? How does that make sense? RYN: The cream my doc gave me is helping the burns at least. It’s Silvadeen and has actual silver in it somehow. Very cooling and has an antibiotic too so the skin doesn’t get infected. Just 2 more treatments to go! 🙂

May 27, 2008

Glad you had a fun weekend!

May 27, 2008

Sounds like an awesome weekend!

May 27, 2008

Can’t believe they made a movie out of that god-awful series.

May 28, 2008

“I was like…Hmmm… senerios like this, black people don’t just go into the woods for the hell of it…and if they do…they don’t come out alive!!!!” lmao

May 28, 2008

Im glad you had fun. ha ha heffer..thats funny…my mom used to say that all the time! Ah…good times.

June 1, 2008

yay for fun weekends 🙂 u bought tickets 3 weeks in advance? that’s crazy!