The Raisin in Milk…LOL!!

Hellooooooooooooo again….!!

My parent’s finally returned from there trip from Las Vegas and guess what…they didn’t even apologize to me. I’m not even surprised. Oh..they did call me on Friday night…that is after I told my sister how I felt about them. I knew she would tell them. My dad calls me and is like..oh…we just forgot to call you. Really?? You last daughter….the last child you had…you just sorta FORGOT to call me. Hmmm..ok…My mother gets on the phone and acts like nothing happened. Man…I went off on them guys. I truly did. I didn’t even go home on Sunday to see them. My mother called me on Sunday and asked if I was coming home. I told her no, I don’t wanna see them. She then asked if I was mad….I said yea..and told her I had to go. I then hung up. Havne’t heard anything from them. They gotta know I’m pissed off. And I hope they understand it too. How the hell you go away and not call your daughter? At least the 2nd daughter? That’s B.S. For real….


Anyways……My boyfriend’s neice had her 1st communion on Saturday. It was soooo beautiful. She looked like a little bride!! She is adorable. I got her an engraved picture fram with her name, a poem I made up and the date of the communion. She loved it!!! But I gotta tell yea….talk about being a raisin in milk!! At the church, I wasn’t…there was one other family of AA decent celebrating their daughter’s 1st communion. They gave me that look like…"We see you…my NUBIAN SISTER"!!! I felt like putting my fist in the air and saying…BLACK POWER!!! Noo..I’m kidding. They were nice. BUT….after the ceremony, we all went to an italian resturant. My boyfriend’s family LOVES to eat I tell you. But I’m not complaining!! I do too! But…..there…I was the only person of color. It amazes me today how some old school folks and some young people looked at me like I was a space alien….We walked in….There had to be like 40 of us….and the whole returant stopped to look at us. Especailly me!!  But it was all good. My boyfriend was holding my hand like….YEA…AND???? It was great…..And My boyfriend’s family is soooo nice to me. Their family and friends made me feel soo comfortable. Even all the kids. I tell you they are a loving family. Great people. Damm..I’m human you know. Yes…I maybe of a darker tone but sh*t….I like italian food too!! Anyways, we all sat down and the waiters were all smiling at me anytime I spoke….But it was that fake smile you get when you don’t really wanna talk to people!! But whatever…I had the best time. There was even a magician (did I spell that right?) for the kids. He was cool as hell and I love to watch all the kids faces when he did all of his tricks. I did have a good time. I think I’m "in there" with his family. My family could learn alot from his. I’m sure they call each other when they go away on vacations…LOL.

But anyways, speaking of my boyfriend…..he is re-doing his house and his floors are beautiful! He just put in wooden floors in his condo. They look amazing!!! I tell you he is doing all of these things to his house and I’m saying to myself…is he doing this for me??? I’m guessing yes…cuz he keeps asking for my opinion on everything. Well hey….I already like the floors!! Can’t wait to move in, finally!!! hee hee….

OK…let me run…my client is finally here. These damm kids……they make so sick sometimes….LOL!!!!!!!!!

Later dayzzz..


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most guys won’t ask for the girl’s opinion in how the house looks, so he’s something special!

May 19, 2008

I don’t get how some people these days are still so weirded out by skin color. Ridiculous. Seriously.

May 19, 2008

ha ha yeah i was in a really good mood today. I loved the “black power”, thats awesome. Yeah, i hate when people do that…im Mexican go back a day or two in my entries about a white me talking to me and my cousin. he literally was asking if we were born here! Ugh, i was pissed. im glad you told your parents how you feel. Good for you. sometimes you need to let it out.

May 19, 2008

good for you! they should know how you feel and recognize that!

May 19, 2008
May 20, 2008

RYN: 🙂 thanks! Oh, it’s easy to put in pics. All you have to do is get a account and upload your pics there. Then all you do is copy/paste into your entry. Voila! 🙂

May 27, 2008

RYN: if it’s weird, then I’m weird right along with ya. I LOVE a good electrical storm. I open my blinds and watch the show!