Is the DEVIL in New York this week????

Hey People!!! It’s DEEJ!!! OMG…….

It is hot as HELL out here in New York!!! I have a short hair cut and you would think that would be great for weather like this….hell naw!! My hair is puffy like an Afro……I look like I need to be hanging out with Shaft or something…. ( Shut yo’ MOUTH!!)!!!! Damm it! It is soo disgusting out there. I don’t even feel like I took a shower. Nastyness I tell you! I can’t wait untill the heat wave is over. You can cook a steak out on the side walk!!


Anyway, my July 4th was sooo not eventful! It rained here in Ny and it was GROSS. I went out to a BBQ and then came straight home. It was not fun. My feet got wet, which I hate, and my hair was fro-like too. I was not a happy camper. But I watched the fireworks on TV. And of course….leave it to New Yorkers to still have their fireworks through the rain. All night long I heard..KABOOOM…SNAP…POW POW POW!!!! If I wasn’t in NY I would think I was in Iraq or something!

Anyways, I am still upset that I am still at this job. These bitches really make me sick. If I didn’t have an office with a door, I think I would have been gone already. At least I can shut it and not hear anyone. I gotta tell you about this bitch who has the next office from me. She is one of those people that has a dependent personality disorder. (Yes I have diagnosed her myself!!) If her friend in the next office is out on vacation or just not in the office, she will stay in her office and become anti-social. She doesn’t even say hello to people, or go to lunch with anyone. She will seriously stay in her office on the internet or see her clients. But……if her friend is here..oH HELL…She is talkative, wants to talk to you….and not to mention she is up her friend’s ass. She has no brain for herself. Every decision she makes she has to run it by her friend. And I Tell you, I try my best to ignore her but I have seriously had it. I want to punch her soo bad!!! She is hella annoying! I think I’ve talked about her before. She is sooooo fake it’makes me sick.  I hate it when she smiles in my face!!! WOW…I feel like telling her..bitch…please….You know I really don’t like your ass and your hella fake! My God……Get me out of this place!! All these people are crazy here. Except me of course!!!!!  I am just ready to get out. I think it’s time.  I keep looking for jobs but there is nothing! But I’m going to look everyday if I have to and send out my resume more.

Anyways, I have an appointment to see a psychologist on Saturday. I am very happy about this. Like I told you I have been depressed lately, and I feel it coming on more and more. I hope that this person will help me!

OK..let me run…..I have some work to do, even though I don’t want to do it!

Later days….


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July 10, 2007

Your co-worker sounds like a true pain in the ass…hope the psychologist can help

July 10, 2007

I hope your psychologist helps. Depression is so… well, depressing. You’re too great to be depressed. Find a new job, girl! Maybe that’s what’s depressing you. Oh, and I’m heading for FL and NOT looking forward to the humidity. I have natural curls that go POOF in damp weather. I see many a ponytail in my future, I do.

July 10, 2007

living in south florida everyone bitches about how hot it is here. i tell ya though… I would so much rather be down here (with the ocean breeze) then in mad-hat-ten smelling that wonderful perfume of pee that comes thru those subway grates with the steam! I do not envy you… well, except that you live in NYC. 😉 say hi to bleeker street for me. i miss that place! travel on

July 10, 2007

Its hot here too! Matter of fact I think I melted a bit. lol!!!!!! RYN – Thank you!!!!!!!1 =-)

July 11, 2007

ack i hate that kind of heat.My family lives in texas and i dread going down there. Go outside for two seconds and your shirt is already drenched. I hope you find a new job and get away from those fakers.Perhaps that will help with how you are feeling. XX

July 12, 2007

lol i have a coworker or 3 just like that – so i hear ya

July 13, 2007

Hey girlie.. so its hot out there huh? I bet its all that humidity huh? Its hot out here too. I perfer the spring or fall. Anyways im going to write about the lypo thing in my next entry. But basically it melts away your fat. There shots they inject with a solution that eats up the fat. I recommend it for people with small problems, because it is expensive and you need more than a couple seris.

July 15, 2007

Don’t you think there are all kinds of people everywhere. An office with a door sounds great to me 🙂 You have a great job girl…those other things are secondary.

February 29, 2008

Ok, I don’t know if you’re checking in here or not, but I thought I’d drop a note to say ‘WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?’ and ‘I MISS YOU AROUND HERE!’ Hope all is well!