Easter….and all that Good stuff….

Hello again people…..It’s me DeeJ….Well let me start off by saying Happy Easter to you…I am at my parents house right now. Just sitting around with my parents and my sister. It was kinda getting boring so I decided to write. But everything is ok…Easter is not that BIG at my house like Thanksgiving or Christmas. But I am catholic and everything…but I guess as my sister and I got older…it was not that important for us to be so religious. I do believe in God and everything….but I don’t know….it is just diffrent for me now then it was when I was younger. Oh well! My boyfrined went to his sister’s house to see his nieces. I know I will be seeing him later….He doesn’t have HBO and we MUST watch the Soproanos tonight at 9pm.. It’s the last season…You know how devestated I am. I LOVE that show. I really don’t want it to end. But I do know that someone gets whacked the first episode…I wonder who??? God…I must watch tonight!!!

Well…I wanted to tell you about that girl I met on the internet. She is still very cool. I haven’t hung out with her since that time but we stay in contact with each other. She texts me everyday just to say helllo and stuff. She seems really nice. But I don’t know if she likes me or she is just really friendly!!!! Well, like I said before, I don’t like women and if I did, she would’t be my type!! Hahahaha. I actually don’t know my type….but I just know it wouldn’t be her!!!

But anywys, Oh…I didn’t tell you. My original supervisor…you know the troll..she left the job in December. I now have a new supervisor. She seems ok, but I’m sorry I think she doesn’t like me. She makes me feel strange and uncomfortable. She is a very large woman….very large……Very very large. Not that it intimidates me…I’m just saying…she’s pretty big….But also, the way she talks is very condesending. OK….in my job, we work with adolescents and their families. But…the center of focus is the teenager right. Well, when she came in, it seemed that she wants all of her workers to start working with only the parents. Now…I have a slight problem with this because for as long as I have been there we worked with theteen in conjunction with their parent(s). But it seems that she wants the center of focus on the parent only. Case in point, she gave me a new case where the kid came in to see the educational specialist because he was not going to school and it seemed that he has ADHD. OK, well the ed. specialist took care of it and got the kid services at another agency. It sounds good right? Well, my new supervisor wants me to “support the mom” because she has three other kids in the house and she thinks she might need support at this time. But, the other kids in the house are not acting up and the one kid she came in with got the services he needed. So…I was like, why do I need to see this mom?? Why can’t she go to her own mental health counseling? I would rather work with teens and not just a mother. But, my new supervisor made it seem like I had a problem with working with the mom and she stated ” I am sensing that you are having a problem with family counseling”. I wanted to tell her to go eat a donut!!!! My job….as I have been doing it for the past 3 and a half years, is to work with the teen having the difficulty in conjunction with the parent. Why is this bitch trying to switch up my job now??? Now, I really don’t have a problem with family counseling, but it wouldn’t be family counseling if I’m only working with mom….right???? This bitch was pissing me off….In my supervision, she was trying to make me feel like I had a problem with working with this family. I don’t…I have a problem with her telling me I have a problem….. She is not maing a good impression on me at all. I think she knows that I don’t like her very much either. I think it is time for me to leave my job. I am getting tired of dealing with certain people at my job, and now I have this big Bertha Bitch on my case. I think she is bothering me not only because of that case…but I’m thin too…hahahahahahaha…How evil of me I know….God forgive me on this Easter!!! But it had to be stated. I will keep you posted on that story.

But everything else is ok. My boyfriend and I are doing well. No fights so far and we are communicaing better. Finally!!!
Well…I am about to run…..I am getting hungry and I think dinner is ready!!!
Take Care and Have a great Easter!!!!
Later Days….

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April 9, 2007

RYN: The swearing, I can handle. It was in the context of their jobs – hard core cops can have potty mouths. It was the use of that nasty “N” word that hacked me off. Truly truly unnecessary no matter the context. Maybe I’m ultra sensitive to it because I’m trying so desperately to break the cycle of racism/prejudice in my Southern-rooted family, but I was not pleased a bit.

April 9, 2007

ur supervisor sounds like a b*tch lol we all have bosses like that that think they know everything my work is kinda similiar – i total agree with you, family counselling isn’t family counselling without the involvement of the kid.. maybe the mom needs an individual counsellor lol anyway happy easter 🙂

April 9, 2007

RYN – Heck no I dont mind. Glad you enjoy reading me. I’ll add you too. =-)

April 9, 2007

RYN: Yeah, me & Wally World. Second home to me as of late. Great people watching at 2am, let me tell ya 😉

April 12, 2007

RYN – lol!!! Im as bad as you are. I have some stories about my car that would crack you up! Im such a dork when it comes to my car.

April 13, 2007

when are we going to see pics of the BF too?!?!