I met someone…….

Hello again……It’s me….I feel really good that I am back here seeing all my old buddies and favorites. But yea….I’m at my parents house right now, just washing my clothes. I feel some pain in my arms and back…due to the sickle cell. I tell you, I am sooooo tired of this shit. I always say..why me? Why must I deal with this shit?? I am a nice person and I wouldn’t hurt anyone…well, let me not say anyone….there are my ex’s….couple of people at my job….but yea….I wish this sickle cell would just leave me alone. I really would wish this on anyone…including my ex’s……at least some of them!!!

Anyways….Guess what?? OK….I know this is really crazy what I am about to say, but, let me just say that I had a great time and she was really nice!! Your like WHAT DID YOU DO??? OK…here it is….

I met someone from Myspace yesterday!!!!!!! OK….Not for any sexual reasons…just for friends…. She is really really a cool person and we started to become friends because we are both in social services. If you know myspeace, she sent me a friend’s request and we started from there. We would email each other all the time and talk on the phone. Now this is not normal Deej because I really would not do this, plus my man does not know about my myspace page!!!! But anyways, We were getting along so well that we just said hey…let’s met up for drinks. So we did. And let me tell you we had FUN!!! First we met at a bar in NYC…called the 420 bar…but it was cool…and she really looked like her picture!! You know how some people fake it right. So we met..she was like wow your TALL!! And pretty!! I told her the same because she was cute. And Tall. I really have no Tall friends like myself. Anyway, we got along so well…..we talked and ate food….we had a blast. It was alot of fun. Then…we left the bar and went to one of her friend’s houses that were having a house warming. Mind you…I was a little scared…REALLY…But I felt comfortable with my friend that I was like…ok…I will go. I am really glad I went. They were really nice. They were welcoming and everything. They fed me more food too!!! And drinks of course. But……………I did feel a little weird….because……now……I have NOTHING aginst anyone that is gay, bisexual or tri sexual…But everyone was a lesbian. Except me of course. My friend states that she is bi sexual but hey…what every floats your boat, RIGHT??? Well, that was one reason I felt funny, but I also thought that my new friend was hitting on me a little….because she wouls sit right next to me…I mean…RIGHT next to me and we were sharing a really good spinach dip. and she was a little touchy feely..I was just like..Hmmmmmmm…does she like me?? I hope not….becuse if I was a lesbian….she would not be my exact type….hahahahahahahahaha…..I actually don’t know my lesbian type, but I know it wouldn’t exactly be her…you know?? But anyway, I called my boyfriend in the bathroomm, to make me feel better…and it did. But we didn’t leave that place untill 2 in the morning!! It was a lot of fun and her friends were nice. I then dropped her home and left. She was a really cool person. I guess she liked me too because she was talking about hanging out again soon. Soo..I guess I made a new friend…FROM THE INTERNET!!!!! Hahahahahaha…. But yea…So that was my very first experience meeting anyone from the internet……Very strange for me, but it was a good experience.
I have heard some horror stories before…..

Anyways, I better run..I just heard my clothes finish and I have my whites to do too!!! Oh…and you know what time it is right??………PILL TIME…YEAAAAAA WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Gotta love my pills…..even though I hate taking them all the damm time…

Talk to you soon…
Later Days….

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April 1, 2007

my myspace page ( I had to create a new one cause i got hacked ) http://www.myspace.com or christinewillalwaysbehere

April 1, 2007

thats awesome. ya know, I dont think its weird for people to meet off the internet.There are obviously real people who use the net. im glad you had fun tho 🙂 oh and im adding you

April 2, 2007

that girl was sooooo hitting on you. She definitely wants to be MORE than friends.

April 2, 2007

wow girl my spider sense is telling me you are playing with fire! Be careful dear. I hope you are comforatable to hang with her.

April 2, 2007

oh by the way, I have been friends with a lot of pple over internet. Met and been friends. I think it is great.

April 3, 2007

just be careful of that ‘bi’ thing – she sounds like she is into you. hugs

April 4, 2007

Careful… last time I met someone from the Internet, I married him LOL

April 4, 2007

RYN – Thats great! Bet you cant wait. When you went, didn’t you just love the dessert? I loved the Melting pot so much, that we went out and bought a fondue pot the next day. lol!

April 6, 2007

RYN: Thanks… if something were to happen I’d worry more about J (my son) than me or my husband. He’s a smart kid, but he’s very attached to both of us. Though while you were on hiatus, J actually did suggest that I think about living somewhere without daddy. (This was just after hubby had a big bi-polar hissy fit)

April 8, 2007

lol maybe she’s secretly crushing on you – I’m glad you had fun either way 🙂

April 10, 2007

Wow, I’ve never met someone off of the internet before. Good for you! BUT, make sure she knows that you are VERY straight so she won’t hit on you.