Bring on the Holiday Season…..

Heyyyyy people it’ s me. I am soooo sorry that I have not written in a while. School is still kicking my ass….but at least I have a break from it this week.  I have a paper due on the "law of unintended consequences". Don’t ask me about what it means, I just know that I have a paper on it with readings to go along with it so hopefully I will be ok. I finally met with my advisor who has given me a number to a tutor for my reserach and analysis class. Shit! It’s about time! I need the help. I just don’t want to fail, I don’t even care if I pass with a 65 seriously!

Anywho, my lil nephew Ethan is adorable!!! I wish I can show you guys but I need to figure out how to use my camera and put pictures on line. I know I know, I am not Ms. Technology. I’ll figure it out, you’ll see. But in the mean time I just love him to death. And my other nephew, Bryce is taking the new baby well. He was holding him and kept saying "baby baby" to me. I just love it! They are sooo cute together.

Sooo, the holiday season is about to begin. Boy…do I hate this time of year. Yea I know…I’m suppose to be all happy and joyful….well…I don’t think so. In NY, so many god damm people are going to be around, looking at the store windows, taking up space and making it harder for me to get to work.  It gets soo damm crowded in NYC, it sucks!! It’s already crowded with New Yorkers, imagine people comming from everywhere in this tiny little space!! And…I found out that I will be cooking for Thanksgiving. Yeppie!! I’m pissed....My mother is like, she is too tired and her back hurts her to try and cook this year. And of course my sister says to me, "Oh, I have to take care of the kids". Since when does having kids makes you disable from cooking??? Whatever, I will be cooking, bottom line.

Oh yes….let me metion, I will be meeting my man’s parents this holiday season. Yes, The time has come to meet the parents!!! I am super nervous!! I really don’t like to meet parents, seriously. And I feel even more awkward because hey, I’m black and his family is italian. And I don’t know how they feel about me……He tells me that his mother "knows" about me. I already met his sister and her husband. They were very nice. But I didn’t meet his mom and his step dad, his brother, his wife and their kids. OH BOY… Christmas time is when all of this will happen. He wants to meet my family mother had already spoken to him on the phone and she "loves him". But my dad…….that’s a whole different story. I’m daddy’s little girl. And I already know that he feels that no man is good enough for me. He has seen pictures of my boyfriend, but he usually makes no comment. So……who the hell knows what will happen but I will keep you posted!

Anyways, I have decided that..on Open Diary, I am not writing to people that don’t write me back!! There are a few people that I write to who only occasionally write back or don’t at all. So I have decided to STOP writing to them. It’s not worth it!!! Trying to make friends on this thing is very hard! So, I will just stick to the people that write me as much as I write to them. Ya know!!!

OK…….enough said……I better run…I have work to accomplish….at least I’m going to try….plus it’s PILL TIME!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!

Talk to you soon…..and if I don’t…Have a great Turkey day……even though I hate turkey…..Well Have a Great Get Together With Your Family and Friends Day!!!!!

Later Days!!!


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November 20, 2006

Good luck with the whole parent meeting thing. That’s always nerve wracking, if you ask me. RYN:

November 20, 2006

I just delated alot of people off my friends list. I’m spending way too much time on the computer. Sometimes 18 hours a week!!!

November 20, 2006

Good luck with meeting the parents. I’m sure it will go fine. Have a good Thanksgiving, even if you do have to cook! Take care!!

November 20, 2006

good luck meeting the parents! do you have the owner’s manual..cant you go in the store and ask the associates?? hehehe i wanna see baby pics! ehh i totally hate the holidays..well i kinda like em..but the whole family thing…no thanks..

November 20, 2006

ohh meeting the parents – exciting! don’t stress yourself too much.. just be yourself 🙂

November 22, 2006

ryn: haha thanks for supporting world peace!please continue to do your part to support world peace…the world needs us! 😛

November 29, 2006

hey you will write me back, won’t you? I promise to try to comment whenever you post hehe (you need to let us know about the meetup of your bf and your parents!) It always amuses me every time I read your entry….I laughed at the part you said about God damn people hehe I am sure it gets very crowded. NYC is popular!

December 11, 2006

I know how you feel.I was so nervous when I met my now husband’s parents and for good reason! His mother always has a smile plastered on her face but his father was a total jerk to me.(Please see previous entry entitled ‘should I forgive my fatherinlaw).Anyway, I hope everything goes well with you. And no matter what, if your man wants you to meet his parents, that means he LOVES YOU.You’re his #1

December 14, 2006

where did you go?!?!?!

January 4, 2007

Happy New Year!

March 18, 2007

I miss ya