Hello everyone……I am here to say that my new nephew was born on Nov. 5th 2006 at 12;14am!!!!

I am soooooooooooo happy for my sister!! She had another boy…so that makes two. Bryce and now Ethan!! I went to the hospital today to visit her. She actually looked good!!! Can you believe that she went into the hospital yesterday at 7:30pm (nov. 4th) only with slight pain. The doctors wanted her to stay because of her pains. Then at 9:30pm her water broke!! She then gave birth and her son popped out at 12:14am!!! That is the quickest labor I have ever experienced!!! Seriously!!! She was happy because her first kid took forever to come out!! She was like Ethan came out like a rocket!!! He was ready!!! And he is sooooooooooooo adorable!!! He has soo much hair on his head !! Wow!!! It’s crazy. So for thanksgiving we will really give thanks!!! Now…..the pressure is on me!!! My dad was even like, soo, I guess you will be having the girls huh???!!! My mom wants me to have a kid like yesterday!!! I’ve got pressure on me…..Gee WIZZZZZ I would like to get married first at least!!! My boyfriend is getting real mushy with me now that my new newphew is here. He is like, oh when I have a kid it’s gonna be with the person I really love….and I really love you!!! You know me…I had the evil screw face on and I was like, yea…but I need to be married before anything!! I am going to have a hard pregnancy because of what I have and I want a husband who is going to go through the changes with me!!! Ya know!!!!!

Anywho….I did get my midterm back from my stats class. Hey I passed..barely with a 65 but I don’t give two shits!! I really hate that class and I want it to be over. I just finished my policy paper that’s due on wednesday. I better get a decent grade too.My policy professor is a real ass sometimes. He actually embarrassed me in front of the class the other day. I didn’t do that well on my last paper because I wrote too much. So he tells the whole class how “long winded” I am . And of course they laughed at me. I wanted to get up and tell him off…but I didn’t. I just gave an evil look. So I hope this paper, which is suppose to be 4 to 7 pages long, mine is 5 pages exactly, will be good enough. What a prick!

Ok…..well I am glad I don’t have to work tomorrow. I took off to go see my doctor. I might have an ulcer guys. That is going to suck. I have to get some test done. I hope and pray that I don’t have one. That will just totally suck!!! Pray for me!!!

Well i’m off!!!
Talk to you soon guys….
Later Days..

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November 5, 2006

My parents and Wayne’s parents have started bugging us about kids. To tell the tuth we are both undecided if we even want to have any.

November 6, 2006

Aww congrats Auntie. I hope your healthy.. take care sweetie **hugs**

November 6, 2006

The moment I got married, everyone was “when you having kids?” AT THE WEDDING!!! It was like, geesh – at least let me get back from my honeymoon, people!! 🙂 Congrats, Auntie. And what a jerk that prof is! Never ever embarrass a student! Makes them less likely to want to do well in the class – or pisses them off to the point that they want to show up the prof. lol

November 6, 2006

Congrats on the new nephew! Glad you passed. No matter what the grade, if you passed it you passed it. And I agree, your professor sounds like a real jerk by embarrassing you in front of the class and stuff. I hate people like that who think just because they have a certain position it gives them the right to act like idiots.

November 6, 2006

What a prick..I say tell him off the last day of school..if he does any of that goodbye b*ullshit…yep..tell him off! Congrats on the nephew! Thats so wonderful..I love me some babies..just not my own…yeah that wont be happening for awhile ryn: a lot of my friends are like that…its quite rude and of course when they come back,you are all nice and sypathetic.when you are really laughing at

November 6, 2006

them…meh..im too nice to tell her to shut up..if it keeps up..it will probably happen

November 7, 2006

RYN: Easiest things in the world to make! 1 can pumpkin 1 box spice cake mix preheat oven to 350 spray non-stick cooking spray onto cookie sheet(s) mix ingredients together til smooth drop by spoonfuls onto cookie sheet bake for 10 minutes or until firm (mine took about 15 mins) Yields 48 cookies And they are SO GOOD!!!

November 7, 2006

ryn: haha thanks for the offer..ill keep that in mind if things dont go well.. if it comes up again..ill say something… thanks for the input 🙂 take care!

November 16, 2006

how is it being an aunty?