I am totally freaking out today!!!!!!! My Midterm for my Research and Analysis class is at 2:30 to 5pm.


I want to cry….I hate math with a passion!!!!!

I think I want to cry right now!!!

This is crazy……

Why did I want to go to school again????


Fuck….double fuck………

I don’t wanna play this game anymore!!!!!!!!!!!


OK OK…I’ll stop…….I just want this to be over……

Pray for me …..

P L E A S E!!!!!!!!


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hey! gosh…math major here…math isn’t THAT bad…if u need some help in the future…let me know…see ya… 🙂

October 25, 2006

Im with you.. I hate Math with every cell in my body.

October 25, 2006

If that will make you feel better, I also hate math to the core. I hate it because I am not good at it. But math is important. I am sure you will do fine if not great. But you know you can do it! Pump up and get ready to rock the test!!!

October 25, 2006

I feel your pain… Numbers mock me. But you’ll do great. You are a strong, smart, capable woman. You can do ANYthing. I’ll be praying for you!!

October 25, 2006

I’m there with you, I hate math with a passion. But I’ll keep you in mind today as you go through your exams. Good luck!

October 25, 2006

Good luck!

October 25, 2006

you will do fabulously – no worries girly

October 25, 2006

spsshhh quit worrying about it..you are going to pass it easily… ryn: haha..yeah some of them are kinda out there…

October 26, 2006

Yup, great minds… actually, the dolphins theme was J’s idea. I asked him how he’d like his bathroom done, and we’d just been to Sea World. After he becomes a fire fighter and Batman when he grows up, he says his next job will be a dolphin trainer. 😉

October 26, 2006

so, how did you do??? you can’t leave an entry like this then not post the results!!!! unless, of course, you WANT to.. then… by all means! =D re: you’re more than welcome to use it as long as I can receive the proper “credit”… and please let me know how it was used because I’m nosy that way! travel on.

October 27, 2006

ryn: im sure you aced the test….ooo sexy referee?? nice choice!..i havent seen that yet…*thinks you should take pics*

October 31, 2006

ryn: ooo french maid…very nice….. did you hear about your grades yet??

November 1, 2006

awe math sucks 🙁 good luck with everything

November 2, 2006

RYN: Your note made me cry… thanks so much for the support, girl! I’m going to need all the support and prayer I can get.

December 11, 2006

You sound like me when I was taking classes as an adult. I took a semester off and now I’m bored so I’m taking it again in the spring. Next, month, I’m going to say what you are saying: “Why the hell did I want to go back to school??” = )