Can’t Sleep……

Well…..It’s like 11:53pm and I am up. I should be sleeping but I can’t. So…I decided to leave a little note.

Today at work was crazy. One of my kids (my client) tells her mother that she just hates her and does not want to be around her. The mom fell into tears and I felt like crying myself. It was terrible! In all my work as a social worker I was actually baffeled in what to say next. That little girl, who is only 14, sat there and told her mother this in her face. Man, listen, if that was me and my mom, she would have slapped the taste out of my mouth, then would have packed my clothes and kicked me out. Some parents today have no control over their children. I also have another client where the kid beats his mother!!! I have had to call adult services on this kid to try and remove him from the home. What the hell?? How could you hit your own mother?? Plus the mother is very scared of him. This kid is only 13!!!! BUT……..he is much bigger than her. The mom is very very very passive, so it’s hard to talk to her about dicipline. Uhhhhhhh boy…I tell you sometimes my job is great, and other times it really draining!!!!

But anyway, so my boyfriend actually went to a therapy session last week!!! He told me that it was ok, and that he was nervous. He wanted to know if I wanted to go with him. I just might. I mean, I want to support him because I do love him. He just needs to get help with his attitude.
I was at his house this past weekend and I wanted to be with him soooo bad. I really tried to control my urges…..but it didn’t work. I literally mauled him!!!! He was surprised but told me that he was feening for me too. It was such a relief to feel him again. It felt like old times when we were very very happy and getting along better. Geez…I hope therapy works for him!! I find myself really missing how it use to be……

OK…I better get off the internet…….I need to sleep and get up at 6am……Oh..and I need to figure out what to wear too!!!

Alright….later days…..

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July 25, 2006

I had clients like that when I was still working. Boys that were way bigger than Mom and just intimidating the crap out of her because they knew she was scared of them. Apparently there is a reason SW are needed in this world. Today’s kids are sooooo not like how I was brought up. There is no way I would have gotten away with the crap kids today get away with. Hope you get some sleep!

July 25, 2006

Man F**k all that…I will beat the breaks off my son ass if he ever told me hated me…F**k all that cryin and shit…shit I’d make her/him lil ass cry with a gotdamn belt or clothes hanger…

July 26, 2006

Therapy is absolutely a positive start. I know what you mean about job. I feel the same. Sometimes I really like what I do but sometimes I don’t feel like making any difference. I feel sorry for those moms. You know you reminded me of this court TV where a girl really hates her mom and the judge sent her to spend some time with this girl that lives in the street and eat leaftover food from trash.

July 26, 2006

This girl came back to the court with a better attitude about her mom right away!

July 26, 2006

Wow what type of work do you do? That is crazy stuff. It sucks kids do this. Whats happening to kids now a days.

July 26, 2006

Here is the link to the entry where you tagged me;

August 3, 2006

oh wow…i think it takes a special kind of person to work in your field..i really dont think I would last… hope the therapy sessions are going well..who knows..maybe you guys will become closer..:D take care girl

August 8, 2006

I think you are amazing for what you do. I think I would go home and cry all day if I had to deal with situations and ppl like that. Or I would scream at the parents to discipline thier kids. God – just makes me sick. And so glad your man is going to therapy – says alot about how much he loves you to do that. hugs jen

August 10, 2006

ryn: haha..yeah..i actually dont remember any episodes..all i remember is that i thought he was really cute…tho i kinda dont think that now,he definetly had something..