Guess Who’s Back???? Part 2

Hellooooooooooooooooooooo again!!!!! I am back to finish my story…..My damm clients come in when I don’t want to see them and when I do want to, they don’t. People are crazy……

Anyways, so…I was talking about me and my boyfriend. We are getting along very well lately...a little too well. We were talking about engagement rings and being together for the long haul. Wow, I never thought I would be at this point in a relationship. And so soon.  Now I’ve been in long term relationships before. I had one that was about 4 years ago with this guy. We really never talked about marriage, rings, or none of that. We were basically just sleeping together ( it was really great!!), and going out to eat ( I’m surprised I’m not huge by now), and the movies sometimes. I, like a dummy, thought we were going to be together  forever and "eventually" he was going to ask me to marry him. I was so blinded by his looks (by the way he was sooooooooo Fine) that I just went with the flow. I finally got some"brains" and broke up with him. He was just not motivated to do anything with his life, plus… are gonna laugh….he was 36 living with his parents!!!!!!!!! I know I know…..what was I thinking???? I was sooo infactuated with his looks……SUE ME!!! But….He was schocked and he still calls me to this day. Believe me I am tempted to see him, but I know that I won’t. Now my current boyfriend is very very sweet. We constantly laugh and make each other feel good.  He actually has his own condo…..and a great job. He is a stockbroker. Plus he has his real estate license. Very Motivated man…..But I can honestly say he is like my best friend. But I feel like, could we be rushing things by talking about rings, marriage, and how many kids we want?? I know for a fact our kids would be cute!!! But that’s besides the point!!! I don’t want to jinx anything by talking about it….

Anywho, what is really good about my boyfriend is that he understands my illness and is very ,very supportive. He hates to see me in pain or crying, or just sick. But I appreciate when he cares for me at this time of need.

Well, I feel like this is the very first time in my life that I am actually thinking about spending the rest of my life with a person.  HUH??????? I know it’s really crazy. But I think I might be ready to settle down now. I said I THINK!!!!  But we shall see. You know how relationships are…..especially how men are!!!! Hahahaha…..

Well……I think I have updated my diary for now. I will promise to try not to go for sooo long without writing. But you know how you can get caught up with things and just don’t feel like reporting on them all the time? I think that’s what I was going through, even though nothing was happening in my life. But I did miss everyone elses life stories. You guys have much more interesting lives then me….at least I think so.

Ok  peoples…..Let me run. I have some notes to catch up on because my supervisor is running around here and I don’t want to hear her mouth!! 

Talk to you soon…oh…and you know what I’m about to do right?? Take a pill……hmmmmmmmmm…..

Later days…..


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June 29, 2006

What an exciting point to be at with your man! 🙂

June 29, 2006

😀 this is so exciting..

RYN: Yeah… My life would be a good ass movie, hell it just might make me rich…