Guess Who’s Back???? Part 1

Hello hello hello again………..!!! I know…..I have not been around at all. Can I tell you that I have not really been doing anything??? Seriously!! Just work work and more work. Nothing too exciting. But I can say that my man and I have been getting along really really well.

The other day I was at his house and we were making dinner together. We ate, and we watched some television. He then went on ebay. He lives for ebay. We were just messing around on it and all of a sudden we start looking at engagement rings!!!!!! Now, he was all into it too, asking me what kind of ring I would like and what my ring size was……I was like huh??? Is he serious??? Then I started to think about the way he has been talking to me lately. He has been saying things like, " can you see us in the long haul" ?? or " can you deal with me forever?"  And sometimes he will refer to me as " The misses" or "wifey" . OHHHH BOYYYYY!! Is he in love or what??? Man….I don’t know if I’m looking into this too much but come on….I’m not crazy. OK..I am crazy, but not that crazy. I mean I do love him a lot and I can see myself with him for a while. But marriage? I haven’t even met his mom yet. And he has not met the parents yet. So…maybe I’m just jumping the gun here. Ok…DeeJ CALM Down!!!

Anywho, I am at work now I seriously do not feel like doing anything. Oh shit….my client just showed up..…ok..let me run….I will return soon….

Later Days…


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June 28, 2006

Wow… sounds exciting… but do bear in mind that no matter what people say – you really DO marry the parents too… check them out… my in-laws are a nightmare to deal with a lot of the time.

June 28, 2006

Oooooo, how exciting! I hope since things have been going so well for the two of you that how he’s been talking is serious. But I’d take the time to get to know the parents. Not only do you marry the man but you marry the WHOLE family! lol Can’t wait to hear how this whole thing transpires….I was wondering where you went since you hadn’t posted in a long time. Glad your back! Have a good one!

June 28, 2006

whoa!!! thats awesome tho…..hmmm but maybe you should meet the parents first..and vice versa..but anyways..thats awesome!

June 29, 2006
June 29, 2006

whoa, trippy. This guy is way into you and definitely wants to get married.