Looking Back……

Hello all!!! I have not written in a while….and I am sooo sorry for that!!!! I have been busy at work….no…not doing work....just goofing around and stuff!! Plus I just finished up my application for my 2nd masters degree!!! It’s all sent away and now I just have to wait on a response!! GOOD LORD!!! Wish me luck!! I really want to go to school this fall.

Anywho…I was just looking through all of my entries here on OD. (Not working of course!!!) And I have to say that I have had alot of great support from you guys in the past. I noticed that in the very beginning I was more depressed with myself and life…then I started to get a little better. I guess those anti-depressants were working for me!! I was pretty depressed because I really didn’t have any friends to talk with and I felt almost alone. Not everyone understood me and people would assume that I was really unapproachable. I ‘ve alway had that issue. You know…with the way I dress, the way I talk, the way I carry myself, and just everything I did…and still do. But because I have poured my heart out to this open diary, I feel a little bit more better about who I am as a person. (Shoot..I need to stop seeing my therapist!!!!) I do realize that I should not care about what people say, but it sometimes get to you. I am a very emotional person and I do take things to heart sometimes. But I must say that I have met some very interesting people here...and I just love all of you!!! Thanks for the support and the laughs…and the "disses"….I appreciate them all!!!!

Anyways, It’s raining here in NY and anytime it rains in NY…it’s GROSS. The garbage in the streets floats by….wet newspapers and trash are everywhere…people really don’t care about litter in NY. But it’s just nasty outside. I wanna be in bed..under the covers, watching All my Children…or One life to live!  Plus..the rain makes me hurt all over…I really hate the rain!!! And….guess what?? I gotta take a pill soon…..All this damm pain can get a girl really mad... But I’m dealing with it!!

OK people…I have to make phone calls now….just because it’ s raining, some of these damm kids think they don’t need to come in for session. If you MANDATED to see me, then……..hey…bring a damm umbrella!! These kids rwally get on my nerves sometimes!!! Ok…really all the time!!!!

OK..Talk to you soon..and again…Thanks for the support throughout the months…. You guys ROCK!!!

Later Days…..


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June 7, 2006

Ugh; I wish that I were under the covers watching those shows, as well. Sadly, we have no cable or even an attena for the TV. I’d be more upset if it hadn’t been my idea to not get these items. Oh well, DVDs will have to do…

June 7, 2006

And, I cannot wait to go back to school. Best of luck, sweetie!!

June 7, 2006

What a miserable day. But I did get some scrapbooking done 🙂

June 7, 2006

HEY!!! I watch AMC!!! I love SoapNet because I can watch it at night now… FYI – Kendall just woke up from her coma.

ryn: thank you.

June 7, 2006

Good luck with your master’s application. I hope you get good news soon and can go to school this fall. You are certainly an ambitous person! Take care and hope the rain stops soon so you feel better soon!! {{HUGS}}

June 7, 2006

This entry is so lovely. And you know I adore you! Are you serious about seeing a therapist? but YOU are a therapist right? Well, good luck with your application. 2nd master’s huh? you are sooo smart! This master’s degree thingy is a pain in the butt for me…hopefully I will get it all figured out this year or next year depends on when we sell and buy a house you know? budget, time, location etc

June 7, 2006

By the way, your city sounds like my hometown in Thailand hehehe well but it is still home right? You are a diva in NY heheh. And I can’t take you with me to Vancouver girl cos you kicked me out of your luggage when I tried to sneak in to your Burmuda trip LOL oh and where are the picutres???? Did I miss them?

June 7, 2006

bah! rain sucks….and im happy to hear that you can open up to OD..i feel it too…its nice to come here..vent..and not get judge….congrats on going to get your 2nd masters..good luck! tho i doubt you will need that luck.. *hugs*

June 8, 2006

I am glad your meds are doing better, thanks for all your support I am glad we are friends!