Color Blind…

Hello Friends…It’s DeeJ!!! Sorry about being missing in action for a week. I have been doing work…..well no actually I’ve just been goofing around..being that my supervisor will not be back untill May 30th!! Woooo HOOO…..I am sooo happy. But I have so much work to do. I’m just like, whatever….I think I work best under pressure….

Anyhow, I went to a birthday party for my man’s friend. His friend turned 40. 40?? Damm….I always wondered how I would be at 40. I better still be fabulous!! Anyways, it was at this place in Hartsdale, New York.  It was a bar…a local bar, so I didn’t have to get all dressed up. I wore reagular jeans and a nice top. Well….when we got there…I saw all of my man’s friend’s which are very cool. They like me and accept me which is even better. They joke around with us….calling us salt and pepper…ebony and ivory…..even Tom and Helen from the Jeffersons(remember they were an interracial couple too)!!!  So….we were there and also other people there that we didn’t know. Boy…did I get looks..…mind you, I think they were not just looking at my color…they were looking at how tall I am. I’m already 5’8 but I wear heels. And that night, I wore my Micheal K. heels which are about 3 inches. My boyfriend hates when I wear heels cuz when I do, we are the same height. But any how, there were a few people there that made me feel uncomfortable. They just kept staring at me…like I was an alien…or if I didn’t belong. I hate when that happens. Then… boyfriend is very very very affectionate……we kept kissing or he would hold me….or just touch me in a loving way. People can be soo rude. They were looking at us and whispering. It bothered me because I am just like…I’m here to have a good time and not bother anyone. But I guess people are still living in the past and they feel offended by our relationship.  In any event I still had a good time. His friends are really cool and they never make me feel funny or if I don’t belong.

Well anyways….I gotta run….My office is having a baby shower for one of our co-workers….. of these bitches is having a baby. Good lord…..It makes me think…damm my bio clock is tick tick ticking away!!!!

Talk to you soon.

Later Days.


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May 24, 2006

*random noter* well i for one applaud interracial relationships. i applaud anything that shows people that people should be able to be together no matter what the odds. sorry for the bad looks, i think you handled it well! hugs.

May 24, 2006

Sorry to hear that some people gave you such strange looks. But it sounds like you had a great time regardless of those few. it’s great that his friends are so open and accepting and make you feel so comfortable. Enjoy your time without your troll of a supervisor! lol Have a great weekend!!!!

May 24, 2006

People can be so dumb. Nothing angers me more than a) any form of child abuse and b) racism in any form. I giggled when I saw his friends call you ‘ebony and ivory’. That’s what the teachers at my son’s preschool called him and his best friend. J is as caucasian as could be (with some Cherokee thrown in for good measure) and his friend’s parents are from Kenya and Jamaica. *hugs*

May 24, 2006

i’m so sick and tired of people just not minding their own business and not worrying about others. more than that, i’m sick and tired of interracial relationships being a big deal. if someone is lucky enough to find love, then good for them and eff anyone else whom wants to come inbetween that!

May 24, 2006

that is so lame that people still have a problem with inter-racial couples. Are you hurting anyone, no! So why should it bother anyone else?

May 24, 2006

Wayne will not let me wear heels becuse they make me taller then him. We are both 5’8″.

May 25, 2006

I am surprised by your entry. As I am in an interracial relationship too but I never got that look from anyone at all when I was with my husband. No staring no curious look no whispering. I wonder is this just between black and white then?

May 25, 2006

oh god people are just so rude! I’m 5’10 and my bf is shorter so you can imagine that I never wear heels.

May 25, 2006

ryn: My sister is dating a black man and she’s white, and he has a kid from a previus marriage. If my sister and I go anywhere with that kid, we get looked at like we have two heads growing out of our shoulders. It’s so frustrating! I can only imagine what it’s like for her or you to be in an interracial relationship. Keep your head held high, it’s a beautiful thing.

May 26, 2006

RYN: Thanks for the note! I just read your article about the dirty looks. Strangely, my husband and I hardly ever get dirty looks. Most people never bring the race issue up. I think it’s b/c we’re in the south and people keep their “dirty secrets” i.e. racism to themselves down here. I think in the north, people are more up front about their feelings. I could be wrong though. . .

May 26, 2006

RYN Continued. . . when my hubby (E) and I got married, the minister required a meeting with couples before approving them for marriage at the church. We had an hour long meeting and the minister (who is white) asked us about our families, our likes, dislikes, our future plans, and our religion. One thing he didn’t mention was the difference in our race. E (from OH) was surprised but I wasn’t.