Just another Manic Monday……

Hello again people…..It’ sDeeJ. What a CRAPPY day here in New York. It’s rainy….wet …and just plain nasty outside. I tell you…NY can be so nice when it’s warm and sunny…..and it can be real gross when it rains…

Well, I am in pain right now. My body is hurting all over. I am very achey and I want to be in bed under the covers. Everytime it rains or is going to rain, I feel it. I could be a weather person....seriously. My knees are killing me and my arms feel like someone put them in a car door and just kept slamming it, over and over again. I had a hard time doing my hair this morning. So I just said forget it and slicked it down flat. That’s one of the great things about having a short hair cut. On days like this I can slick it down and still look fabulous!!!

Well, Mommy’s day went well. I saw my nephew of course. I gave my sister a dozen roses…which she loved. My sister and my dad and I put money together and got my mom this really beautiful gift basket. It was filled with bath stuff…like a bath robe, slippers, bath salts, perfume, bubble bath, candles, a CD fulled with slow music and classical music……all that great stuff. It was raelly nice. She was happy. No one cooked….of course we ordered chinese food…a whole lot too…and just ate with each other. It was nice. A nice dinner in my home….that rarely happens. But I guess everyone was in that…"happy" mood in my house.  

Anywho….I am soo much in pain...I can’t even act like my ‘"crazy" self. I just hate days like this. I really feel like closing the door of my office and sleeping on the floor. But then….this carpet is gross too…and I have on a cute shirt!!!

OK people..let me run. I gotta eat some lunch and then take my pills!! I can’t wait for this day to be over!!!

Later Days…..


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May 15, 2006

I’d hug you, but I’m afraid it would hurt! You poor thing! Do you have fibromyalgia? My mom does and that’s how she feels when it rains or gets really cold. Hope you feel better!

May 16, 2006

This weather sucks! I hope that you feel better.

May 16, 2006

hey you ordered Chinese and didn’t invite me??? hehe It rains a lot in Thailand…we have rainy season there. I guess it will be a absolute wreck place to live for you 🙁 Get well soon *hugs*

May 16, 2006

awwwww hope you start feeling better…yeah gloomy rainy days blow..ooo chinese food??? mmm i want some chinese ..ive been craving it for awhile now…yummy… anyways..glad you had a nice mother’s day.. 😀 *hugs*

May 16, 2006

I’m sorry sweets…I hate hearing your in pain…it’s been raining here forever also..looks like we are going to get a break wed and thurs though…my thoughts are with you…oh and I finally wrote an entry

Ya’ll need to come down south to H-Town the weather is nice… oh but don’t yet hurricane season is coming soon… Hope get well soon… Damn if you wasn’t sick now would be the time to have sex in the rain