Just One of Thoes Days……!!!

Hello Everyone!!! I am back. I have been soooo tired and stressed lately. My supervisor is getting on my last nerves!! This troll keeps comming in and out of my office. What the hell. Can she make up her troll-mind  and get what she needs and not come back? I need my privacy!!! Gee Wizz…She is going to make me yell at her like I have in the past..…I almost made her cry!! I am really a  nice person….Promise! She just pissed me the hell off that day and I had to tell her about herself. It was quite funny now that I think about it!!! Damm…maybe I am evil.

Holy Shit…..this troll just came in my office and she tried to see what I had on my screen!!!!! I felt like punching her in her chest! Plus I am going to scream!! She just gave me another case. That will make 4 cases in the past two weeks. What the hell?? Does she not have other workers here?? Why is it that when she gets a new case , I am the one who gets it?? It really is not fair. I am tired and I have too much work as it is. She does not give out the cases evenly like she is suppose to. And I don’t care if she thinks I am one of her best workers either. I just think she is being hard on me.  She is such a bitch……But the type of bitch she is is a paranoid, schizo, psycho bitch!!! Seriously!! She fusses and gets hyper about every Damm thing. It pisses me off.  I am telling you….I am going to go postal one of these days....hahahahahahahaaaa!!!!!! I can’t even fire a gun…and plus I am scared of them but damm it!! This troll makes me CRAZY!

Well….now that I have vented….I feel a lil better….Now on to my entry:

So I was with my man last night….and can you believe it…we did not have sex!!! I was extremely surprised! Not because we are like rabbits and jump each others bones all the time, but because we were talking about it all day long yesterday. We were texting each other and leaving each other sexy messages. By the time he came over my house, we watched NBC’s datline : To catch a Predator ( which was really crazy. With all these sick people out here trying to have sex with minors over the internet)  , then watch the rest of the Yankee game, we fell asleep in my living room. I was really ready for it too. I hate that! When you are all ready for something and it doesn’t happen. Yuck!!!

Anywho……I better run…I am getting sick of this troll comming in my office. She must be on some crack or something. I want to really punch her. But I am being nice…and taking it easy….Better take a pill…..hmmmmmmmmmmmm…….. now I can deal with anything!!!!

OK…..all better!!!!! Talk 2 ya!

Later Days…


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April 27, 2006

I watched that Sweet 16 thing because of you the other night. Holy crap. Makes me want to choke some parents. Or drown them. I think it is a form of child abuse to give those kids ALL of that.

April 27, 2006

Y’all are starting to act like an old married couple… watch the news and fall asleep w/o any LOL… Just giving you a hard time. Welcome to my world 😉

April 27, 2006
April 27, 2006

hahah the troll… wow watched the news and fell asleep…fun!…hehe ryn: yeah im fine..i think im getting sick or something..

April 28, 2006

hopefully you will get some the next time you see him (which hopefully is tonight!)

April 28, 2006

LOL…You always make me laugh… Sorry about the sex if it makes you feel better I can’t have it for a long long time, because of them dam doctors and keep screwing with that area. I put a think up on myspace so I haven’t been writing in here but I will seriously get an entry in soon! Miss ya

April 29, 2006

oh yeah I watched the program some time..yeah it was scary to see so many pple are so sick…and to know that they are from all walks of life and ages and their excuses were just soooo rediculous! Anyway, your entry about your sup reminded me of my co-worker. He is super hyper and sensitive to stress. I am wondering if he is bipolar or unipolar you know?

April 30, 2006

ugh. I absolutely HATE it when that happens!! More than anything. Sometimes, I wonder if it’s because we talk it up so much we know it will never be ‘that’ wonderful??