Super Sweet SIXTEEN??? GOOD LORD…!!!

Hello Again Friends…. I have to vent a little bit on this stupid ass show called… My Super Sweet Sixteen… OK…….

I saw this show a few times before on MTV but never really paid attention to it. Untill Last night……I saw this lil snot nose stuck up lil BRAT …..she kept saying…"Daddy…..this…Daddy…that". It was the most annoying thing. Her party …which was at a rented mansion overlooking Las vegas or something like that….was so extravagant….! It cost more that $200, 000!!!! I’m sorry……that it just crazy. What kind of parents are these?? Why are they enstilling in their child that the more money they have the better off they are?? Why is it that these parents show their love…with money?? And because of this…their children see this as the only way to make it in the world. Their children have no values and don’t know what it means to work hard for money…or anything. Then…..the next kid that I see is L.A. Reid’s child…big music mogal….whose party had P Diddy…Jermaine Dupri…..and other hip hop people there at the famous 40/40 club here in New York. It’s Jay-Z’s club. But the way this kid was acting…He seriously thought that he was such a big star….I felt  like jumping in that TV and smacking him up. He threw a tantrum because he thought Kanye West was not going to perform at his party. But he ended up performing at the party anyway. 

I tell you…sometimes I think MTV is the devil..…I know if I was 16 and I saw a show like this I would think my parents didn’t love me enough because they didn’t spoil me like the kids on that show! It is seriously crazy. Ha!! Let my kid…when I have them….ask me for something like that. Well actually, my kids will know better than to ask me to do something like that. I am not brining up my kids that way. Even if I do become rich or well off. That is just plain mad! I need to write to MTV thanking them for putting a show like this on the air ways, to make other kids feel inadequate!

Oh that reminds me of that other show MTV had called" I want a Famous Face". This was where these stupid people went under plastic surgery to look like their favorite super star. WHAT  IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY??? Why do we do this to ourselves?? I’m not saying anything is wrong with plastic surgery…that’s another topic…but why are you going under the knife to look like someone else??? Geeeeezzeee….Crazyness..

OK…that felt GOOOOOOOD!! I just had to put that out there! But anywho, as for me I am ok…..just at work. I need to actually do work. I ahve not even started. I’m sitting here eating my lunch..typing all this tuff…listening to my New Radio station…WOOOOO HOOOO…Now I’m listening to Soul To Soul…Back to lIfe….Back to reality!!!! God I miss the old days…. Anyways,..I will talk to you again…..

Later Days………And I am gonna take a Pill……Hehehehe…OH WoW..the radio station is playing Whoodini…5 minutes of Funk….I gotta get up and dance now!!! hahahahahahahaha…Woo HOOOOOO…..Lata!!


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April 21, 2006

God I so agree with you on all of this. almost makes me want to make sure my kids don’t watch tv -but then I don’t want them to be social outcasts either – sighs. Just sux

i know. i miss music video mtv, but now the music videos are almost as bad.

April 21, 2006

Shoot. For my sweet sixteen, my folks let me take a friend with me to Great America. That millionaire sweet 16 cost more than my freaking wedding!

April 21, 2006

i absolutely hate mtv. for those reasons alone, but if i need more, i could find them. i would not spend 200000 on a wedding! let alone a sweet sixteen. god, i better not even spend 20000, or i’m shooting someone.

April 21, 2006

Oh god that show is so evil!

April 21, 2006

Yeah these kids really think they are so special because they have famous people come to their parties. It’s so stupid I mean they go because they get paid to not because they like you.

I hate that got damn show, those rich spoiled ass kids make me sick… RYN: Don’t be jealous your time will come, it’s suppose tto be raining this whole weekend and you’ll have plenty of opportunities…

April 21, 2006
April 21, 2006

OH my goodness..i watched that show the other day..with that one girl that was turning 15..and she looked 19!!..doing that sexy belly dance thing.. *shakes head* spoiled brat!.. phew.*calms down* that show frustrates me..spoiled kids..i like how she was all whining to get a car..that same day..and she dosent even have a license..bah!

April 24, 2006

You should really write to MTV!!! Or just copy and paste the entry you wrote and send to them…I agree completely with you… I’m gonna try to write an entry later so check back…Missed ya…

MTV is the devil….we wouldn’t have teenage sex if it wasn’t for MTV… Oh..Yes, I’m back..~scott~

April 24, 2006

don’t some of those MTV shows make you sick. I agree with what you say here 100%! Doesn’t stop me from watching them, but it’s like a car crash. You don’t want to look, but you just have to.