Pissing me OFF……..Damm It!!!!!

Hi Hi people……

It’s me. Well..I am just waiting for it to be 5 already. I have things to do. Like go home. Take off my clothes and sleep for an hour before my man comes over to take me out to dinner. Oh shit..actually I have to go to the eye doctor at 6 to check my eyes. I am getting new glasses. I don’t wear them regularly but I wanted to get a new "cute pair". I look cute in glasses. Like one of thoes sexy school teachers. Woo Hoo…

Well it’s crappy in New York today. This is the kind of weather you wanna be in your house.

Oh I know what I wanted to vent about. I’m about to vent…please Brace yourselves!!!!!

There is this bitch..of the pack of bitches I work with. She is such a two faced bitch. Let’s call her TFB! Anywho….why is it that…ok…let me get my thoughts together…….…..ok…There are three of us that work in the same unit together. Me (THE NICE BITCH), Crazy Bitch and TFB. So…Crazy Bitch went on vacation to Brazil….I know I’m jealous too. She is comming back next week. So it’s really just me and TFB. Now when we are all together..we all talk to one another. Now all of a sudden, Crazy Bitch goes away and this TFB heffer says nothing to me…..at all….she will walk right pass me too. I’m like…WTF?? OK..I see her game. She only talks to me if Crazy Bitch is here. That’s cool. But the next time she ask me something I swear …and I  know I shouldn’t cuz it’s Good Friday..but Damm it!! If she ask me something I will go off on her. Then…to top it all off…TFB was talking about me…..Why you ask?? The bitch is JEALOUS. Someone told me…cuz all these bitches in here are crazy nosey heffers…that my charts on my clients are SLOPPY……ok..when the Hell did she become my BOSS?? And I have you know I am the most organized person you will meet. Damm it!! Oh GOD..please don’t kill me lord for what I am about to say…..rather write……..but I feel like calling IMMIGRATION on her ass to see if she really belongs here!!!! OOOOOOOOO…did I just say that??? My bad…I’m sorry. But she makes me mad. I hate it when people smile up in your face then talk about you when your back is turned. If you don’t like me, then why talk to me???  Seriously….At least now I know what kind of person she is…..BITCH

WOOOOO..that was good!! And it’s almost 5! You know..I really don’t want to go outside but I have to catch the train. Yuck. I hate the train station especially when it is raining. All the garbage just floats by you….it’s gross.

OK..I better jet out of here so I can get ready for this eye exam. I have such bad eyes. I though about lazer surgery but I read an article on this woman who got the surgery done. But now…her eyes are too perfect. So perfect that now she sees double…..CRAZY. Now she has to spend even more money to correct it! Well I will be calling 1800 contacts for the rest of my life!

Take Care people….and have a great weekend!

Later Days….


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April 14, 2006

OMG! You’re working with my coworker nemesis! Too bad my nemesis is born here. Otherwise, I would’ve called the INS on her ass too. 😉

April 14, 2006

Oh I’m a totally random noter.

April 14, 2006

Don’t ya just hate people that are two faced? Uggghhh. Hope your eye exam goes well. Have a wonderful dinner and a great weekend.

April 15, 2006

I don’t mind metro-north all that much. It’s much faster than the bus.

April 15, 2006

yeah I wanted to get the laser thing done but, I think that the technology is just too new. I’ll wait another decade or so and see if it gets better.

Girl, these messy ass TFB just love to hate, so I just say f**k em’… matter of fact I went off on a TFB at work today… you’re doing right, get them bitches straight don’t let them walk all over your ass