Am I an APRIL Fool??????

You are probably wondering, what the hell am I talking about with that kind of title for this entry. Well, I have decided that I wanted to go back to school!! Yess…School…with the teachers and the papers….and other students….yes school. I wanted to get my Masters in Public Administartion with a concentration in Health Care Policy. You might be saying….are you CRAZY?? Why would you want to go back to school and deal with the headache of papers and teachers……????? Plus…owe even more money to the government??????

Well…I like a challenge. My job is ok…. BUT>>>>it does not challenge my intelligence. Now don’t get me wrong. I love to counsel people and talk with them about bettering themselves and trying to problem solving their issues.( And I love love love to talk....) But I think I want to work at a state level making policies for low income families. Being in this field of work, a lot of my clientel are low income families that do not have many benefits. Even when I worked in the AIDS unit at a hospital here in New York, many of the familes had a hard time recieveing benefits from their insurance companies. It was really bad. They had limits on their mental health care which really sucked because a lot of them needed support. How can one put a time limit on mental health?? It really made me mad when I would have to tell these familes, "well, since you are only allowed one more session we are going to have to terminate quickly". Craziness!!! Also, I knew some families that didn’t have benefits and the hospital would turn them away!!!!! WHAT???? It was nuts and I felt so bad for them…But…I think either working at a state or local level  in government making better policies for these families would be good for me. Plus I have a big mouth and I need to be heard! Maybe you will see me on TV advocating for better benefits.  Ha!! Me in government….that would be a good one. I can tell you this…I would be one sexy city counsel member with my cute ass suits and shoes....hahahahahaaa!!!

But I think I will do it. Now I have one application for a CUNY school. (That’s The City University of New York for all you non- NY people) .There is a whole bunch of them that offer an MPA. I have to also make sure if this is what I want to do. The dead line for the Fall is May 1st. So I gotta get a move on. But…I just might start in January the way I’m movin!!

Other than that….I’m just here …not doing much of anything. Just working. I am kinda sick and I got my man sick! I feel bad but…that’s good for him! He claims, Oh I never get sick. He thinks taking a daily vitamin C pill is going to do something. Please....I got his ass sick…hahahahaha….I know that’ s bad..but he thought he was invincible!! See…now remember when I was sick and how he did nothing for me at first??? Well……Paybacks a BITCH!!!!! hahahahahaha!! I’m so evil sometimes….

Anywyas, let me run…gotta do some work before I go. Can’t wait to watch my show tonight…"24". Oh how I love Jack Bower!!! See..I still have jungle fever…!!!!!!

Later days…


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April 3, 2006

RYN: Thanks for your note! Boy, insurance companies drive me crazy. My mom and step-dad are having some major issues with theirs.

April 3, 2006

Congrats on the decision to maybe go back to school. I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit for something new and challenging. Feel better soon!

April 3, 2006

you going back to school is totally awesome..congrats on making that decision..and i love that you want to help people out :D…. ryn: yeah the little something something…kinda fell through..i guess we kinda drifted apart..he got weird towards the end…we technically havent broken up but then again we havent spoken to each other in three im gonna assume its over..*sigh* oh well.

April 3, 2006

GTood luck with going back to school. I could never do it!

April 3, 2006

RYN: B@T’s IS an awesome movie… and her name “Holly Golightly” – how cute is that? As for school – I say go for it!

April 3, 2006

I think it is so admirable what you are thinking of doing. Too few ppl care about the welfare of the downtrodden and insurance companies can be the biggest dicks of all when it comes to actually care. you rock girly hugs jen

April 4, 2006

wow I am stunned. Actually I plan to go back to get my Master on Public Administration too!!!! I now work in this field that help poor pple with get free or lower cost health care and cash/food support with the local gov…I would love to hear more about your plan. I still don’t know how to pay for it. My employer might pay some IF it is related to my current job…but if not… 🙁 I don’t know.

April 4, 2006

Good luck to you!

April 4, 2006

Thats awesome..go back to school! I’m proud of you! I’m sorry your not feeling well..Thanks for your note..I’m sure I’ll be fine…I go back Thursday to find I’ll let ya know..Hey did you figure out the pic thing yet? I’d love to see pictures from your trip

Good for you, wanting to back to school!

April 4, 2006

ryn: hehe thanks for the note…it gave me the lift I needed ! :D…ur an angel…