I have been away from OD for a little while! ( Bad DeeJ…slapping my hand)  But I have been actually doing work!! At my job! I know...that’s new but I have decided to keep up with all my notes and assessments. I hate scrambeling around for things when they are due or if a judge is looking for an assessment on my clients. I hate rushing! I am going to "TRY" to keep up. Turning over a new leaf…( Let’s see how long this will last!!) But in any case….I am Still waiting for my friend to send me the pictures! It’ s out of control!!! She just got a new man in her life so she is slippin’ with her responsibilities. Men make you do crazy things. I know this for a fact….if I can sit here and tell you all the stupid things I have done for my boyfriends…you would send me an email filled with Slaps!!   I was such a silly little girl… But anyway…yes hopefully my friend will get her stuff together and email me the photos.

If you can…please go experience Bermuda for yourself. Such a pretty country. Speaking of Bermuda…guess what..that guy I was telling you about keeps emailing me like crazy!!! I am like…wow…..he is just too fine. He wants me to come back there or..he wants to come up here. Now…picture that….I have this fine azz man….here in NY…walking around the dirty city….with all these dirty hoochie bitches…..I would get mad if someone looks at him the wrong way. Ladies…this is the type of guy you would be very possessive of. Trust me….and I know these NY chicks would jump on him. And then I would have to fight. My skinny ass fighting for  a man. I would normally not do it..but for him…and those eyes and sexy body….I just might.

 But wait…don’t I have a man????? Uhhhhhhh..HELLO yes I do and I love him very much!! Oh God…I’m a Slut Bucket….I’m here thinking about this guy and my man is so sweet. This weekend was so nice. We spent the whole weekend together without fighting!!! But it was so nice. See..now….he stares at me for long periods of time….like when we eat breakfast or dinner…which tells me that he is really failing in love with me. I always ask him…what the hell are you looking at?? ( But in a nice way) and he just smiles and says…nothing I just love you that’s all. WOOOOOO really muschy…but I like it. So….if he knew what the hell I was writing about….esepcially with this Bermudian man..he would probably get the Mafia to come and "erase" me!  Damm Temptation is a bitch. I feel so bad that I actually email this guy back making him think like he has a chance. And my friends are no help..they are a bunch of horny bitches themselves. Telling me…Girl….your man does not have to know if you take another vacation with your "friends". WHAT????????? Yea…let me tell my man that…..he would be like…I’m comming with you….So that’ snot going to happen!!!

But anyways…..that is my issue for now. I’m going to have to think of something. I know…..PILLS…. hahahahahaha…..

OK…..well…I’m going to go…and really take a pill….. I will talk to you soon….
Later Days…


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March 27, 2006

Awww, that’s nice that he’s showing you more affection lately. Glad things are going better between the two of you. Does a girls heart good to have one man that is totally in love with her and another one that lets her know that if things were different that she is still a desirable and much sought after beautiful woman. Glad you had such a fun and memorable trip to Bermuda.

March 27, 2006
March 28, 2006

I swear I’ve been doing the same thing with another guy…the flirting the lust, desire..I feel so bad..because I do love my man and we will get married someday..but OMG if I had 3 single days I know who I’d be doing..Just cause you lusting for this other guy doesn’t mean you don’t love your man. And a little flirting or alot of flirting doesn’t hurt anyone… as long as they don’t know..

March 28, 2006

Look i’m trying to make myself feel better for doing the same thing..The only difference is, is that I get to see this guy 5 days a week at work..and drool over his KICK ASS BODY!! I’m so happy your man is being nice to you. Thats what you deserve dont take any less. Alright sunshine I got to get some work done.

March 28, 2006

lol..your entries always make me smile..well hey..u havent touched it yet.so its all good.you can look but you cant touch..but hey its not like you have a ring on your finger or anything..so its all good..hehe..yeah temptation is a bitch…..keep naggin your friend too..i want to see pics!..hehe..take care <3

March 31, 2006

awwwwww – although I can see why that man would catch your eye!