If Looks Could KILL….

Hello all…I hope everyone had a great weekend. I didn’t…… me and my man had another fight over the dumbest thing…where we would eat for dinner. It was so stupid but I was pissed off at him. We made up on Sunday night. I didn’t see him all weekend long…but he will come by to watch or favorite show, "24". I love that show….wow…..

Well anyways…….can I tell you about one of these bitches I work with?? She gives me these looks as if she wants to kill me or spit in my face. No lie!!! I just walked passed her in the hall way and she stared at me like I just killed her whole family!!! I think she hates me because of what happened….let me tell you…..

So, her and I had a case where she was referring this family to me for counseling sessions. Now she did a terrible job transferring the case to me. She really did not know what she was doing during the session or what she was talking about. She seriously sat there and looked at me as if I was suppose to know the family history and why they came for services. So…I was kind of mad at the fact she put the whole transfer meeting onto me. After the meeting my supervisor wanted to know how the meeting went. I told her how bad it was and that she really did not have a clue about the family. I guess my supervisor went to her supervisor and told her what I said. OH WELL….but I have a feeling that my supervisor made it seem more worse then it actually was.

So…soon after that…this chick stopped talking to me. She use to be friendly to me and say hello. But now…she just looks at me as if she wants to kick me. Boy..I wish she would….I would knock her off her little feet into next week! So…I have decided that if she going to look at me that way then I am just going to ignore it. I heard she is leaving the job anyway…so….it’s really no sweat of my back……Is it my fault that she can’t do a proper transfer meeting?? No…..she needs to "practise" or something. She is so pathetic if she really thinks I’m going to run to her and ask her…"oh…are you mad at me??" BITCH PAAALLEEASSEE!!! I have better things to think about. She has been doing this for a while now…but just today it bothered me…..I really felt like saying do you have a problem with me?? But I didn’t. I kept it moving. Plus I’m not one for starting a fight. Hell… I can’t fight..but I talk a lot of game!! hehehe!!

Well anyways…..I feel alot better now that I let this out!! I better run. I have to take a pill….

Talk to you soon…later days…


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March 6, 2006
March 6, 2006

Yeah 2 full hours of 24 tonight! I’m in heaven.

March 7, 2006

So. I watched 24 for the first time last night. Yeah. I’m addicted ALREADY. It’s great. And, I don’t watch TV. Except football. So, it was surprising. Hope things are well with the man. And, have a good day! (Oh, RYN: I do enjoy teasing and being teased.) A lot.

March 7, 2006


March 7, 2006

Ha ha ha – I love it and hey – what kinda pills? Just curious

March 8, 2006

Hey sunshine. Screw the people at work! Who needs them. I’m glad you and the man made up… oh and to answer your question before. My man take effexor or something like that..and I yes I take pills, celexa! I use to have this depression thing going on…now I take them more to help all my aniexties! I’ll talk to later …

Hey. I like your layout very much. Nice colours. xXx