How Well Do You Know ME????

OK…I stole this from one of my friends on my favorites. I thought this was cute so….if you read my diary please do it!! I would love to see the results!!

Take Care! And have FUN!!

1. Copy and paste the following 10 questions into the comment box below and answer them as best you can ABOUT ME. If something doesn’t apply or you are unsure, just put N/A or "don’t know."

2. Once you have finished, YOU MUST then put this game into your own diary and invite your readers to play. The object is to see who’s reading you, who’s been paying attention and what kind of impression you’ve made on them.

3. No cheating allowed by browsing my old entries!

4. There are no wrong answers here and it should be interesting to see what you have to say about me! This is all in fun – so let’s keep it positive, folks. Have fun!

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1. Are you a regular reader, an occasional reader or a first-time reader?

2. Am I on your "friends" list or your "favorites" list?

3. Do you note me regularly, and vice versa?

4. Name three facts about me.

5. What do you enjoy reading about MOST in my diary?

6. What do you wish I’d write MORE about?

7. Without looking, what’s one thing on my front page?

8. About how old do you think I am, based on my entries?

9. Describe me in three words.

10. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would that be?

Log in to write a note
February 28, 2006

ok – first – I won’t put it on mine – but then I am that way. LOL 1. Are you a regular reader, an occasional reader or a first-time reader? – Regular 2. Am I on your “friends” list or your “favorites” list? – yes 3. Do you note me regularly, and vice versa? – yes 4. Name three facts about me. – you live in NY, you are a hot chic, your cool

February 28, 2006

5. What do you enjoy reading about MOST in my diary?- your life! 6. What do you wish I’d write MORE about? your love life 7. Without looking, what’s one thing on my front page?shite – I’ve never looked 8. About how old do you think I am, based on my entries? – 31 9. Describe me in three words. cute, vivacious, upbeat 10. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would that be? – none!

February 28, 2006

ryn: of course I know more about you – but I am just lazy. LOL

February 28, 2006

1. Are you a regular reader, an occasional reader or a first-time reader? Regular, but just reciently. 2. Am I on your “friends” list or your “favorites” list? Favs 3. Do you note me regularly, and vice versa? I try to 4. Name three facts about me. You live in NY. Just had a b-day. 5. What do you enjoy reading about MOST in my diary? Just day to day stuff.

February 28, 2006

6. What do you wish I’d write MORE about? What ever you want. 7. Without looking, what’s one thing on my front page? Not sure ?? 8. About how old do you think I am, based on my entries? 31 or 32. You jus had a b-day. 9. Describe me in three words. Fun, happy, energetic 10. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would that be? Live life to the fullest.

February 28, 2006

That’s the worst thing about OD. You can only write these short entries. I also write at inthewire and bloop, there you can write notes as long as you want.

February 28, 2006

1. Regular of course! 2. Favorites of course! 3. Regularly of course! 4. Single, black, female hahah 5. Your humour! 6. Politics! Yuck just kidding…anything will do. 7. Without looking, what’s one thing on my front page? 8. 20s 9. Confident, hilarious, educated 10. Come read my diary more often hahaha 🙂

February 28, 2006

Opps forgot to answer No. 7 I think you have a tiger but not sure.

March 2, 2006

RYN: That’s the one on central ave rigth? I’ve never been to that one. I used to go to the one on the boston poast road when I lived in White Plains. Now both are far from me. I’m probably just go check out the local Mrs. Greens this weekend.

March 2, 2006

1. Are you a regular reader, an occasional reader or a first-time reader? Regular 2. Am I on your “friends” list or your “favorites” list? Yes 3. Do you note me regularly, and vice versa? Yes 4. Name three facts about me. You just had a birthday, your a social worker, and you work with a troll with yellow plaque stained nasty teeth. lol

March 2, 2006

5. What do you enjoy reading about MOST in my diary? surveys and the thought filled entries about my family I think 6. What do you wish I’d write MORE about? don’t know 7. Without looking, what’s one thing on my front page? Emoticons 8. About how old do you think I am, based on my entries? 31

March 2, 2006

9. Describe me in three words. Fun, energetic, full of life 10. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would that be? Eat dessert first, life is to uncertain to do otherwise!

March 2, 2006

1. Are you a regular reader, an occasional reader or a first-time reader? regular reader… 2. Am I on your “friends” list or your “favorites” list? favorites 🙂 3. Do you note me regularly, and vice versa? i try to note regularly…but i end up forgetting too :(..but i do read!

March 2, 2006

4. Name three facts about me. u make me laugh….you have a beautiful soul….u live in new york.. 5. What do you enjoy reading about MOST in my diary? dem bitches at work.. 6. What do you wish I’d write MORE about?hmmm not quite sure…but the whole work thing is hilarious..

March 2, 2006

7. Without looking, what’s one thing on my front page? umm words?? hehe a umm a smiling flower 8. About how old do you think I am, based on my entries? 31 9. Describe me in three words. funny,beautiful,da shit..(ok that was two words..but when you say it sounds like one??):P 10. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would that be?

March 2, 2006

heh i missed one.. 10. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would that be?keep those bitches at work in check…

March 2, 2006

RYN: Thank you so much for the sweet note! That made my day today. And God only knows I needed that today of all days. So thank you!