Go Shorty……It’s My Birthday!

Go, Shorty……It’s My Bithday…….We gonna Party Like It’s My Bithday….we gonna sip bacardi like it’s my bithday…….Hahahahaha! I am gonna listen to that 50 cent song all day and all night tomorrow!!! OOO I am excited…..My bithday is tomorrow!!! WOW….31 years of age…..And I am not sure what the hell I am going to do.

Like I have told you in the past, I don’t have many friends. I have 3 really good friends…..(Not including those of you on Open diary) in my life right now. That is kind sad, but it’s kinda good. I don’t have to deal with all the B.S. with having so many girlfriends. You know with the jealousy and that gossiping about one another to one another about each other. All that Catyness...Tomorrow I am going out to dinner with one of my friends. I think we are going to Jay-Z’s club the 40/40 lounge to eat dinner and just watch the good looking men that hang there. I told her that I would go because she has no man and wants to get a basketball player. They usually hang there but I doubt we will meet one that day….. and I can just admire them from a far. Then….Friday, the man and I are doing something. I am not sure what because he will not tell me. I better get something nice damm it for putting up with his crazy ass all this time!!! OOO and I want some Ass Too!! That right..I said it….I want ass on my B-Day!!Hehehehe! Reward my AZZ!! Anyway, then on Saturday, my other two friends are taking me out to a club. And yes…I am going to look like a straight hocchie! I bought a really nice black bustier ( that’ s how you spell it??) with some cute jeans and nice boots. Yes…my boobies will be up to my chin in this outfit for everyone to enjoy! It’s my bithday damm it! I know I can”t even let my man know what I am wearing cuz he will be pissed off!!

Well, I wrote today because I know I won’t write on my B-Day. I am excited because I am not going to work either! Wooo HOOO..I don’t have to see my troll supervisor or any of these bitches! I am going to enjoy my day!

I am at work today though and I am already tired of being here! I think I have to take a pill right about now. I just need to get through this day!!

Welllllll….let me run. I will talk to you guys soon. Have a great day!

Later days…


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February 21, 2006

OOohoo – happy birthday girly!! 31 is a cool, cool age – I should know. And i want pics!

February 21, 2006

once again you never fail to make me laugh…! You will have a fun birthday I am sure!

February 21, 2006

Sounds like fun. I have more OD friends than “real life” friends. I’m pretty fine with it too.

February 21, 2006

Happy b-day and welcome to the 31 club! I thought I was the sole member in OD, but you can be the 2nd member with me.

February 21, 2006

Happy Birthday! Have a great one. How great that you don’t have to go to work. That just ensures that you will have a great day! lol

February 21, 2006

~~Happy Birthday~~ hope it is wonderful and you umm get some ass..hehe… ryn: yeah things should be interesting between me and her..i like living alone…im working on that one tho.. take care <3

Happy Birthday!!! Have a wonderful day!

February 23, 2006

hi im natalie i started to read your diary found it on one of my favs!! by the way happy birhtday sweetie! natalie`

February 23, 2006

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you!! Enjoy your day!! =)