My Funny Valentine…..

Hello Open Diary Friends……

I’m sure you wanna know how my Valentine’s Day went. I can tell you that me and my man did not argue and we had a very good time. This Valentine’s Day we decided to make gifts instead of buy them. I went to the store and bought construction paper with glitter, stickers, and colored pens and pencils and made him a wonderful card!!! It was alot of fun to make too!! I did, however, but myself some very cute underwear (not from Victoria secret either!) and wore them that night with my high heeled stilletoes!! Man..I wish I had a camera to take a picture of his face when he opened the door!! I must say we had a very fun..and kinky night!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!!

In any event…..I am at work with a big smile on my face!! I am relaxed and ready to take on my clients problems! And I didn’t even take a pill!! At least not yet! I"m sure I will once the day goes on. But yes….I had a nice night.

Oh…and these Bitches at my job. Of Course they had to have the B.S. Flowers ad Candy delivered to the office all damm day long. I was kind of jealous but….I told myself that even though my man did not have flowers delieverd to my job…I know he loves me just the same. It’s not always about how much money the guy spends on you. Plus…these bitches were talking about not doing anything for the man…..WHAT?? Valentine’s day is the day of Love. You are suppose to do something for him too. I tell you..these bitches at my job are greedy hoochies!

Oh well…I think my day is also going smoothly because my supervisor is not here today!! It feels great not having someone in your ass all day long!!

OK..Let me run…..

Talk to you guys soon……Later Days!


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February 15, 2006

Oh – that is really awesome – I wish you would have had a camera too! That would have been tooo funny! Hee Hee

February 15, 2006
February 15, 2006

RYN:Thank you!

February 15, 2006

You are so right. I’d much rather get a meaningful gift than boring old meaningless flowers. that’s why I loved the puppy pictures so much.

February 15, 2006

ah thats so cute..We didnt’ buy gifts and I made lobster and steak for was really nice. I bought myself a new teddy to wear for him but didn’t have the chance to actually put it oh..OH BOY!! : ) I’m glad you had a good valentines day… you deserve it with all the cat scratch fever and working with a bunch of bitches.. Take care sunshine~!

February 16, 2006

I giggled as I read your entry and I got to keep my noise down cos I am at work. You are funny! I like the way you said ‘damn day long’ hahah