Walking in a Winter Wonderland….

I hate the snow…….Why the hell did it snow in New York on Saturday into Sunday?? I wish it was during the work week!!! So…by my house we got 25 inches of snow!!!! 25 FREAKIN inches……I could not find my car!!! I went outside when I thought the snow was over…and I tried to clean off my car! Why was I cleaning the wrong car??? I was soo mad….what the hell?? I was pissed off because I worked so damm hard on it! Then the woman who owned the car came outside and was like  "Oh your cleaning my car..thank you!!"  I was really ready to throw all the snow back onto her car!!! But she then started to help me out with my car! So, we started to clean off my car. Do you have any idea how tired I was? Me and this other girl…who was just as thin and frail as I am, are cleaning off our cars and all these men pass us by. Did not even offer to help us out!! I’m sure if we were in bikinis and jumping up and down in the snow…they would have probably helped out. So, we finally finished creating a little mote for both of our cars. I was pretty impressed with myself! Then…all of a sudden…here comes the snow plows….they just pushed all that damm snow we took off our cars back near our cars! I started to cuse out the snow plow man….he was like.."Sorry honey..Gotta do my Job!!". I really wanted to take my shovel and put it in his ass!

But in any event….I am at work. I actually made it! I don’t drive to work I take the train. So it was a little easier. But…The train was PACKED!!! It was really bad. I was standing the whole time. So….I am there standing..minding my own business. Then these two men get on the train. BIG MEN. So I’m standing there trying to read my newspaper when one of the guys starts talking.  Talk about Bad BREATH!! It was hitting me in the face making my bangs frizz up! I was so upset. And he just kept talking and talking and talking. I can’t believe he did not know his brathe smelled like my cat litter box!! It was soo bad. That train ride seemed even longer because of his breath. I don’t even think Listerine could help this brother out!! YUCK!

Well…I guess I should do some work now…..I am really tired and don’t even feel like talking/listening to anyone. I’m sure none of my clients are comming in today. People are afraid of the snow!

OK….Talk to you guys soon….Later days!


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February 13, 2006

Ick Snow!! I hate it as well!!

February 13, 2006

I only live 4 hours north of the city…..and we really wanted the snow. But we didn’t get even an inch. I’ve only been able to snowmobile twice this year.

February 14, 2006

Oh god I HATE the snow – it was pretty cool that that woman helped you out though – even if the idiot men didn’t

February 15, 2006

I love snow but 25 inches is too muuuch…well, soon winter will be gone 🙂

February 15, 2006

We got a little over a foot here in Westchester county. I don’t know why it can’t snow during the work week either. I wouldn’t mind missing a class or two.

February 15, 2006

“I’m sure if we were in bikinis and jumping up and down in the snow…they would have probably helped out.” LMAO. Nah they’d probably just stand and leer at you. ;O)