Why can’t he be Openminded???

Now I don’t mind going out to dinner to an italian resturant. Believe me., I love italian food. But why can’t my boyfriend try to eat some ethnic food?? I am of ethnic decent. I am Trinidadian and Guyanese. All my life I have ate spicy foods. Like curry chicken, stew chicken and stew beef, Curry shrimp, cook-up rice, roti, oax tails…all that good stuff to name a few. We have never…..ever….gone to any ethnic resturant. We have been together for a year and I have tried to get him to go with me to eat some soul food. I live in New York City where there are plenty of different foods and cultures. This guy only wants to eat italian food or like american foods. He will really not give in. He always has an excuse. I feel like this is a problem because if we stay together he is going to have to learn to eat my foods. He has cooked for me and I have cooked for him. But I cook regualr food for him. Nothing “ethnic” for him. He is a real picky eater. Now I understand that not everyone will eat everything. But if you are in a relationship with someone you love and you are from different backgrounds, why not at least try??? Please tell me if I am wrong!!!

Today I am at my parents house just hanging with the folks. This just came across my mind…

OK..let me run. I nee dto go to the mall…plus take a pill…
Talk to you soon!!

Later Days…….


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January 8, 2006

Your right he should at least try it..Even if he doesn’t like it he should try it..I HATE seafood my boyfriend loves it and i’ve tried things that I didn’t think I’d ever eat. However I still do not like seafood..but I do cook it for him and make myself something different. It’s all about compromising..He does for me. Just flat tell him he needs to at least try these things its only fair! Goodluck

January 8, 2006

I definitely think he should at least try it. And most restaurants offer a small, if limited, American menu. Don’t they? The fact that you want to eat it should be reason enough for him to take you, in my opinion! 🙂

January 8, 2006

you should just cook an ethnic meal for him..then he will have to eat it….just tell him that you would want to share this part of you with him and he should just give it a try..i guess..i dunno..im trying to do that with my bf..he’s well white and im trying to get him to try filipino food..he said he would try it because he knows that my ethnic background is important to me…:) take care<3<3<3

January 8, 2006

He should at the very least try it. I mean really, its not going to kill him to do that for you! I agree with what someone else said. Cook him an ethnic meal. And let him know how much it means to you that he tries it. Good luck, let us know what you do…Take care. Lynda

He won’t try until you push him. Let him know it really pisses you off that he hasn’t even tried it. If he tries it and really doesn’t like it then fair enough. But it wouldn’t hurt him to try!

January 9, 2006

He really should at least try it…he might like it!

January 9, 2006

Hi. I think if he gives it a try, he might surprise himself. Who knows, he might like it. My husband and I love spicy food and it is also part of my culture. I am a new immigrant here. We usually go shopping at small ethnic food shops. I can’t go on without eating spciy food for like a week. heheh But then again my husband already know what he is up to when he married me.

January 9, 2006

I used to work with a woman from Gyana (spelling?) but she is Indian. She speaks perfect English. I understand pple speak English there.

January 9, 2006

Hi Dee thanks for your note . I agree get him to try something different, if he doesnt like it fine, but hes missing out for sure. I love allsorts of foods, stay clear of some I have tried and disliked, but I did at least try. Maybe you should have a blind tasting session one night, blindfold him and feed him some bits and pieces see what his reaction is, can be fun too !!!

January 9, 2006

just THINKING about ALL of the wonderful food in NY is making me drool – DROOL – the food there is so awesome. Lucky girly hugs you jen ps – just go without him or make him bring a doggy bag. (smiles behind hand)

January 9, 2006

He should at least give it a try. Maybe he wouldn’t have to eat an entire ethnic meal but he could at least let you eat the foods you love and try some of yours. My FIL is like that, won’t eat anything that is off the beaten path.and only wants plain meat, potatoes, Italian and that’s about the extent of his menu options. Have you discussed it with your boyfriend and asked him to try?

January 9, 2006

Totally agree, he should AT LEAST try it.. Maybe you could cook something for him or get take out and have a back up plan in mind in case he says Ewwww.. It took me years to get my husband to try chinese food, and now he loves it.. He grew up in IA, and only ate meat, corn and potatoes.. He still wont go near lettuce.. He says it tastes gross.. Huh?? It has no taste dummy! Ha!

January 9, 2006

aww thanks for the note..yeah ..everything happens for a reason and we will work through it…. oh and I had another thought…if he dosent want to eat it then shove it down his throat!..ok im only kidding..but it gave me a funny visual 😛 take care <3

January 10, 2006

ahhh yessssssssss…ur the first one to know who that was…awesome!..i absolutely love her..her music relaxes me..sounds like everything was so easy back then and so lid back..yeah..but..i love her! take care <3