What a Way 2 start 2006!!!!

Well people……My new year was very nice…Unfortunately…..my man and I had a fight. A BIG ONE!!! Not on New Years Eve,but on New Years Day. Let me tell you. My family gets together for New Yeras Day just to be with each other right. So when I get to my parents house I call my man to let him know that I will be there for a while. He said ok. Call me later. Now I am with my nephew and my sister and my parents. I am not thinking about him. But I know I had to call him. Tell me why he calls my parents house 5 different times??? Is he obsessed?? It sure seemed like it! It was so bad that my parents were like, what is wrong with him?? He is not your husband so why is he calling here like that?? Now to piss my father off is pretty bad, especially if you have never met the man. So he is calling me to make sure that I leave soon because he is cooking dinner for me and him. He wants to make sure that I don’t leave late from my parent’s house. I told him that I would be by him by 8:30pm. Why are you calling me every half hour?? He seriously pissed me the fuck off. To have your parents talk to you like your 12b years old is messed up. My parents were pissed at me because of him. They feel that if I am at their house then I am at their house and I don’t need to explain myself to anyone. My Mom thought that he was OJ or something being too damm possessive. I tried to explain to them that he was just making sure we don’t eat late,but they just thought I was brained washed or something. Way to go Tommy. He never met my parents and now they think he is OJ! So I finally left my parents house. Tell me why when I get to my apartment, my father called me to tell me that Tommy called again to make sure I left. What the hell?? So I called him and I went off. He had the nerve to say that I don’t call him to let him know what I’m doing. Oh MY GOD!! What a Fuckin PRICK. Is he serious?? So I told him to eat by his damm self and to leave me alone. I hung up on him, got myself some Chinese Food and sat myself on the couch and watch “mommmy dearest”. You know, I am beginning to think that our relationship is going to fail because of his temper, his possessiveness, and attitude. I don’t think I can take much more. Well….I just had to let that out. I feel a little better. I hope everyone else had a better time than I did. Talk to you soon…. later days.. DeeJ

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Being with someone who is possessive can be scary sometimes. You’ve obviously let him know it bothers you, so you need to monitor how he behaves from now on. He may be very insecure, so try and be patient.

January 9, 2006

Yuck!! That sucks!! My parents would freak out too!! I hope he can get himself under control, that seems like waaaay too much to handle!! Hope it gets better!