WOW..I got tagged!!

I actually didn’t think this would happen to me but it did!!

OK…the rules I think are that you must list 5 facts about yourself. Also that at the end of your entry you must list 5 people to be tagged. Damm it I don’t even know 5 people to tag. But here you guys go!!

1) I am a neat freak. To the point where if you come to my apartment I will be following you around with my mini vaccum cleaner. I hate messes! You can ask my boyfriend about that! I sometimes think I have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). I like things in order and neat. I am very organized.

2) I have a blood disease called sickle cell anemia. I wrote about it in one of my entries (please check it out!). It is such a hard thing to deal with everyday but I do. Even when I feel like shit, I will try to put on a happy face just so that people don’t know I am in pain. And the pills I take…Good Lawd!!

3) I laugh at almost everything. I am one of those people that can find humor in anything. I am so sarcastic too. I never like to be angry or upset. I rarely am. So, if that happens, then somone or something must have really pissed me off.  Soo…don’t get on my bad side!!!

4) I don’t have many friends. I think this is because people mistake me for being "stuck up" or "full of myself", which is not true. I think I am one of the easiest people to get along with. People just don’t want to give me a chance! This has been an issue for me since high school. I am not even sure how I can develop more friends.

5)  I sleep with a blankie underneath my pillow. I have had this blanket since I was born and I will never sleep without it. Even if I sleep away from my apartment, I will bring it with me where ever I go. I’ve been doing this for ever!! (30 years!!)

So …if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged!!! That’s because I don’t know 5 people to send this too!!

Have Fun!!!!


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November 29, 2005

Welp I was going to tag you, but too late.. =)

November 29, 2005

Oh haha, I did tag you!! =) RYN: I was scared of big dogs for a while (about 2 years) to where I would panic if a dog was within 10 feet of me. I’m still pretty leary around big ones, but I’m getting better. I don’t freak out quite as much. I still love dogs, but it has definately changed my life. Take Care,

November 29, 2005

Also.. I can totally relate to the “stuck up” perception, I was really quite and shy in high school and therefore was deemed stuck up.. Yeah well, =P on that.. =) Sorry about the Sickle Cell Anemia, I don’t know much about the disease but I do know it is a drag!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!! Take Care,

November 29, 2005

I was going to tag you but I guess I wasn’t on the ball with that one! lol

November 30, 2005

I can completely identify with 1, 3 and 4. I’m not so much into cleaning as I am having everything organized and neat. Even if it is messy, I don’t want it to look messy (if that makes sense). RYN: Thanks for the note 🙂

November 30, 2005

RYN: Thank you very much.

November 30, 2005

That was awesome – and I don’t know HOW you can’t make friends you are awesome! And a little secret – I am 32 and sleep with a teddy bear. *shh