Sickle Cell Anemia…I hate It!!

Hello again…..It’s me. I am in soo much pain right now. I feel  like dying. I have something  called  SICKLE CELL ANEMIA. It’s a blood disorder that I inherited from my parents. Of couse, I had no control in the matter. But What it is, is my blood cells in my bady are SICKLE shaped, like a banana. Normal people have round blood cells which make it easier to pass though out the body.  My cells however, have trouble doing so. Because of their shape, they have more problems getting though veins, especially small veins. When this happens, it is very very very very very very very very painful!!! The pain is so harsh…I bet the strongest man in the world  would cry. It hurst so bad that I can’t even describe it to you. There is no cure for it, just pain killers. I have pain every single day of my life. It is so hard for me to get up in the morning and to deal with the cold. I take these pain killers like candy. I take it, but the pain really never goes away. There is nothing i can do about it, so I just deal with it.

I am at work now and I am in pain. But I would never let anyone know that I am. People know me for always having a smile on my face. I don’t want people to know my business.

I have such bad pain in my knees right now. Guess what? It’s time to take  a pain killer!! Even though some peopl might think hey it’s cool to get pain killers, these pills are also killing me slowly but surely. But, I have no other options because there is no cure.

Well…let me try and work. ….Talk to you soon.

Later Days….


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