I’m Depressed…and It’s still raining…

Hello again……I am feeling more and more depressed because of this damm rain in New York.! I hope it’s over by tomorrow because I have a wedding to attend! I am really nervouse about going to the wedding because I think Iwill be the only person of color there. I know the bride, and of course my boyfriend with his friend and his girlfriend. But they are Italian and I am not. I know I know….people are going to stare and probably make comments. So…I have to make sure I look really really really good. I have such a nice dress that I’m going to wear. So …at least if they make a comment, they will have to say Oh…her dress is nice atleast!!! In any event, I didn’t take any jobs that were offered. I think the only reason that i am staying is that I am comfortable with the people, even though they somtimes make me sick. Plus no one really bothers me, except my supervisor who is a bipolar paranoid elf! But i usually just stay to myself. I eat luch with my unit. But Tha’ts as far as it goes. I’m not all buddy buddy with them because the next thing you know, they will turn on me. I don’t need that at all. The women here seem so fake too so, I’m better off not even making good friends with them.

Anyways, I better get going. It’s almost lunch time and I can’t wait. I am soo hungery.

Well I will definetly let you know how the wedding was and everyone’ s reaction to me!

Later days…..


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