Time Slips By
It has been a long time since I blogged, here or anywhere else. I had almost forgotten about this place until I received an email from the site. A lot has happened since my last entry. To be honest, I haven’t decided how much I want to reveal. What I do know is that I feel the need to write.
I have several blogs scattered around the net. I want to make one of them my home and post entries there. The concept of writing an entry for this blog, then writing an entry for that blog, then cross posting something from one to the other has grown exceedingly old. The problem now is deciding which one to keep, and which ones to delete.
I like the layout of Opendiary, for the most part. The “diary contents” and home page design makes it easier to peruse the blog, in my opinion. Others want to force the reader to browse past entries backwards, one at a time. I like that you can select an entry from the past, then move forward, chronologically. Even if I don’t use this particular diary, I will likely use an Opendiary. That is, if I don’t find something else I like better in the coming weeks. I want to decide soon, because moving entries from one diary to the next is a colossal pain in the ass.
I’m not interested in what anyone else thinks about my entries, so I will be disabling comments. I just want a place that I can post my thoughts on a topic. I’m not going to present people with yet another sounding board for their self-important tweets. They can go somewhere else for that.